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"Her name is Raegan. We called and skyped her yesterday. It's going well." I was sitting on the couch talking to Kirstie.

"That's so great, Scott. I can't wait till it's all final and you guys are pregnant." She had the biggest smile on her face.

"Me too. I'm so excited."

"When do you start the whole getting pregnant thing?"

"Next week. I'm nervous."

"I bet. I'm so happy for you and Mitch."

"Thanks Kirst. I can't wait to have that baby girl."

"I can't wait for you to have her either." We both were giggling when Mitch came out of our room.

"Hey babe. How're you?" He rubbed his eyes and looked up at us.

"I'm fine. Hi Kirstie."

"Hi Mitchie."

"Scotty? I'm sorry to bother you hun, but I didn't make it to the bathroom." I sighed, standing up.

"Scott, I'm gonna go. Emerald needs sleep and you need to take care of Mitch. I'll see you guys later."

"Bye. Come on Mitch." Kirstie left and Mitch and I went to our room. There was puke on the side of the bed and the floor next to it. I sighed and walked out getting stuff to clean it up, "Mitch. Get out of the room. You'll throw up looking at that." I told him as I grabbed his arm and tugged him out. He sat in the hallways watching me clean up his stomach contents.
When I was all done, Mitch and I cuddled in our bare bed. All we had was our pillows and a small, cold, extra blanket. I couldn't be mad though. It wasn't his fault.


"Yeah babe?" I looked down at him.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"Making you clean that up."

"Well, you didn't make me. It wasn't your fault hun."

"I still feel bad." I kissed his head.

"Well, don't. It's okay. I'm happy to take care of my sick husband."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome honey. Now, get some sleep." I felt his body relax in mine as he drifted off to sleep.

Today, Scott and I were meeting our surrogate. I was nervous and excited at the same time.

"Ready to go?" I asked Dani as he came out of his room.

"Yeah daddy. All ready to go." He skipped to the front door and opened it slightly. I followed him, waiting for Scott.

We got to the coffee shop where we were meeting Raegan. I had a nervous feeling in my stomach. I'm really hoping I don't have to throw up during this.

"Hi Raegan." Scott said, standing up to give her a small hug. I did the same and sat back down.

"So, what do you wanna touch base on first?"

"Just going over some things. You're how old again?"

"I'm 26."

"Are you married?"

"I've been married for 4 years now. And I have a 2 year old son."

"Great. No issues there at all."

"Awesome. How old is your son?" She asked looking over at Dani who was currently playing on Scott's phone to keep busy.

"He's five now." I stated.

"You had him through surrogacy?"

"Yeah we did."

"So, who's the bio dad this time?" Scott looked over at me and I looked down at Daniel.

"Scott is." I said, looking back up at her. Scott smiled slightly and nodded.

"So Daniel is biologically yours?" She asked me.

"Biologically, yes."

"Awesome. He looks like both of you. He has your dark hair and his amazing blue eyes. You guys are an amazing family." Scott and I both smiled wide.

"Thank you so much." I said to her, ruffling Dani's hair.
The meeting went so good. We planned an appointment for next week to get this thing started. I'm so excited and nervous.

Scott and I laid in bed that night cuddling. I felt like I was gonna throw up so got out of bed and went to the bathroom, "Mitch?" Scott asked as I ran out.

I got to the bathroom and hunched over the toilet and threw up. I'm sick of this.

Run To You (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now