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(A/N: I would really appreciate it if anyone has any suggestions, for you to message me. Ty.)

I miss Mitch. The funeral is tomorrow and he's nervous. I wish I could be there with him. I was thinking about flying down today and going with him so he doesn't have to be alone.

"Why? Why can't I come down there?"

"Scott. If I let you do that, that defeats the whole purpose of me staying here until the funeral. I could've been home with you this week instead of dealing with my depressive family."

"I know. But I feel bad that you have to go through this alone."

"I'm not going through this alone. Jason, now he is. He lost his wife unexpectedly and now he has to raise his daughter by himself. That's doing this alone."

"I'm sorry hun but I wanna be there with you."

"Trust me, Scott. You don't."

I refused to allow Scott to fly down. It's unnecessary and I wouldn't want him to go through this. I'll be a mess. I am a mess.

"Hi mom." I made it to the funeral home and found my mom and Don.

"Hi sweetie. You're here early."

"I know. I was bored at home waiting so I got ready early."

"That's alright."

"Hey Don." My mom walked away to talk to my aunt.

"Hi Mitch. How have you been?" Are you serious?

"I've been good, ya know."

"That's good."

"Don, come say hi." My mom yelled over to him.

"Bye Mitch."

"Bye." He walked away and I was left alone. I wish Scott was here with me, but I didn't want him to be.
After the funeral, I went back to my mom's house for the little "party". I stayed by myself mostly besides talking to my mom here and there. I just didn't want people talking about it to me.

"Mom. I think I'm gonna go."

"Already?" She set down her glass and walked over to me.

"Yeah. I wanna go home."

"Alright honey," She hugged me, "I love you. Have a safe flight." I kissed her cheek and made my way to the airport.
"No. I'm still at my mom's. I may not come back until tomorrow." I lied to Scott. I was actually 5 minutes away from home.

"Are you kidding me? Mitch." He whined.

"I'm sorry. My mom was really emotional and needed help cleaning up and it just happened. I'm getting on a plane tomorrow morning."

"Okay. I miss you and love you. See ya tomorrow, I guess."

"Alright, babe. I love you."

I pulled into the driveway and shut off the car. I walked upstairs and opened the door.

"Dani, where are y-" Scott walked around the corner and looked at me.

"Hi Scotty." He ran towards me and pulled me into his arms.

"I missed you!" He yelled as he swung me back and forth in his arms.

"I missed you too!" I said as he kissed my cheek. He set me back down and pulled me in for a kiss.

I pulled back when I heard footsteps coming toward us, "Daddy!" Dani ran towards me and jumped into my arms. I picked him up and hugged him tight.

"Oh I missed you, baby. How was it with dad?" I asked, looking at him.

"It was okay. But I missed you. And your cooking." I chuckled before giving him a kiss on the cheek. I put him down and he ran off onto the couch to watch cartoons.

"How was it?" Scott asked as I looked at him.

"It was alright. I cried, a lot. I wish you were there but at the same time, I'm glad you weren't." He pulled me in for a long hug before Dani complained he was hungry.

"I wanna go to iHop!" He yelled at us as he watched cartoons.

"Deal." Scott said, as Dani got off the couch and walked over to us. I helped him with his shoes after putting mine on and we left.
"Thank you for dinner daddy. It was yummy!" I buckled Dani into his seat.

"You're very welcome sweetheart." I kissed his forehead and closed the door.

"Dinner was amazing. Thank you." Scott said, leaning over the council to kiss me.

"You're welcome." We played Beyoncé loud on our drive home.

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