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I jolted awake when I heard Mitch scream next to me, "Mitch?" He was sitting up, his head in his hands, "Mitch what's wrong?" I asked, rubbing his back as sobs came from him.

"I'm okay. I just had a nightmare."

"What was it about?" He looked up at me. I caught a tear from falling as he sniffled.

"It doesn't matter." He laid back down and covered up.

"Mitch. Babe, tell me. It's okay."

"I don't wanna talk about it right now Scott. Please."

"Will you go back to sleep?" I asked, worry filling my voice.

"Yes. Please, just let me be." He rolled away from me and pulled the covers up almost covering his head.
The next morning, I rolled over and didn't feel Mitch next to me. I sat up and turned on the lamp on my bedside table. Mitch wasn't in bed. I checked the time; 2:34. What the hell?

I got out of bed and walked around looking for Mitch, "Mitch? Where are you?" I heard a moan come from the bathroom. I walked towards it and pushed the door open. Mitch was leaning over the toilet, "Mitch?" He looked up at me and I gasped at the sight of his state.

He leaned over the toilet again and released the contents of his stomach. I walked over to him and sat down behind him. I rubbed his back as he threw up again.

I walked him back to our room when he said he was finished. I helped him lay down and cover up then crawled up next to him. I spooned him and soon heard tiny snores.

I woke up again at 4 to throw up. I didn't wake Scott this time because I felt bad for waking him up at 2:30 and 3. I knew I was sick, really sick. I had been sick for a while now. I continued to throw up after Scott and Dani left Texas. I had thrown up a lot and I knew if I told Scott, he'd have me go to the doctor.
"Hey babe." Scott came up behind me and planted a kiss on my cheek. I turned around to look at him.

"Hey. How're you?" I asked turning back around to finish making breakfast.

"I'm good. I'm worried about you though."


"How long have you been sick for?"

"What do you mean?"

"You threw up, how many times last night?"

"Four. 2:30, 3, 4 and then again at 7 when I woke up."

"You threw up at Jason's too. I thought maybe it was because of the accident, but you're still sick. Did you throw up after I left?"

"Yeah. A lot."

"Mitchie. Please go to the doctor."

"I'm fine Scott."

"You shouldn't be sick this long. It's not good."

"It's not good to be sick at all. I'm worried about what's wrong."

"Honey. Come here." He pulled me into his arms when I started crying. I couldn't stop. I felt sick again.

I pulled out of his arms and ran upstairs to the bathroom.

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