Chapter 1

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I wrote this a WHILE ago (12 yrs old) so don't have high expectations. It will be awkward, crazy and cringy. My apologies.

Prologue -

Pimples on faces.
Akward and nervous.
Tired and sad.
That was the life of a freaky teenager in high school.

Chapter 1


Everyone hates high school. Studying, acne, popularity, trying to get into the best party's and staying away from the mean girls. Everyone had a reputation, thankfully I didn't. No one knew me, except for my small social group. Who would want to know a weird girl with bright ginger hair with bangs and a face covered in freckles and pimples? Especially when my parents gave me the weirdest name. Bean. That was my name. Maybe my parents were hungry for beans while naming me but I know for a fact that my name is definitely a weird one.

I was only a sophomore in high school with my friends, Jackson Peterson, Rachelle Riley, Benny Smith, and Olive Green. I've known all of them from middle school and they stayed with me all the way into high school. I used to have more friends. I used to be popular. Now I'm just the weird girl who no one knows. All because of that one incident.

My school is very...crazy to say the least. Everyone's in a group. The jocks, the cheerleaders, the nerds, the gamers, the goth kids, the hippies, the freaks, and...The mean girls. I'm obviously part of the freaks and I love my group! The mean girls were dumb and stupid jerks, but everyone wanted to be them. They were the prettiest girls in the school and I used to be one of them...

In middle school I was a mean girl. Popular, stupid, mean, pretty...At the time I thought that everyone loved me and wanted to be me, but in reality everyone was scared of me. I used to spread rumors, start drama, and ruin people's lives. I only realized that what I was doing was wrong when I met April. She was a small girl with long blond hair and blue eyes. She was the prettiest girl in the whole I had to make her leave so there would be no competition. I told the whole school she had lice and to stay away from her. I didn't realize how bad it was until I saw her. I was walking in the bathroom when I saw her crying and cutting her hair out. I stood there shocked. I knew she was cutting her hair because of the lice rumor and a guilt washed over me. I ran out the bathroom instantly realizing all the bad things I did.

I told the other mean girls I didn't want to bully kids anymore but they were mad and disgusted by me. They started spreading rumors about me and wouldn't stop until I wasn't popular anymore. Then I was just another freak that no one knew.

That's when I met Olive.

Olive is sweet, kind, and pretty. They were awesome. When I first met them I noticed their cute black messy pixie cut and their emerald green eyes. Their adorable circle glasses, metal braces and freckles scattered across their cute face. They were adorabl- Oh...That's when I realized, I had a crush on Olive Green.

Olive was the first one to come up to me. They knew I was a freak and that I was lonely. So they started to talk to me whenever they could. At lunch, in class, they texted me everyday just to check up on me. I thought that was really cute. I started to open up to them and they became one of my best friends. They introduced me to knew people, and that's how I met all my other friends.

The freaks.

Hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter if you have any criticism please feel free to tell me!

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