Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


Bean hasn't been talking to any of us. And we haven't talked about the kiss. She was more distant and trying her best to act like everything was ok. It was like that for the next 2 weeks. Until me and the freaks thought we should do something about it.

We were sitting at lunch and eating out food. While Benny and Jackson were arguing about something random (again) and Rachelle was trying to calm them down.

"Bean, how about we go over to my place, we can just watch movies and stuff?" I asked trying to get some alone time with Bean.

"Um...I can't sorry." She said in a monotone voice.

"Why not, it'll be fun!?!"

"I gotta help my mom with something."

I knew she was lying so I tried to pressure her into agreeing.

"Oh, yeah what is it? I can help you out!"

"Um it's nothing important I can handle it..."

I just wish she would stop lying to me. I know she's sad. I know she's stressed out. I know she's a mess on the inside and won't tell anyone.

"Bean I know you're not ok just, up to me?"

She was fidgeting with her hands. Obviously uncomfortable with the situation.

"I told you I'm fine." She said with a fake smile.

I can't believe she keeps lying to me. Why can't she just talk to me I'm supposed to be her best friend?!?


I instantly regretted saying that when I saw her shocked and hurt face.

"Um...I...I can't, sorry." She stood up from the table and started walking away.

Benny and Jackson stopped fighting and looked over at me.

"What did you say to her?" Benny said confused.

"I-I tried to get her to open up to me. I went to far...Dang it."

"W-well she jus-just n-needs time." Jackson says trying to sound reassuring.

"Ugh, how much time does she need it's going to be 2 weeks, then a month, then a year and she still won't talk to me- I mean us." I say trying to make my point.

Rachelle rolls her eyes and looks over to me.

"Listen, her mom just died. You can't expect her to be happy any time soon."

"Yeah...I just want her to talk to me, and open up to me."

"You know she's the type of person to keep everything to herself...just...give her a little time, ok?"



It's the end of school and I head to the bathroom before leaving. I hear someone crying in one of the stalls and realize that it's Bean.

"Bean, hey...are you ok? Do you want to talk?"

All of a sudden Bean bursts out of the stall and wraps me in a big hug.

"S-she's gone, a-and I couldn't stop it."
She said in between jobs.

"Shhh, Bean it's ok. You'll be ok. I love you so much I promise I won't let anything happen to you."

She backed up and stared into my eyes.

" what?"

Dang it.

This chapters kinda short sorry, but I wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger. Hope you enjoyed!!!

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