Chapter 16

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Warning: There is homophobia in this chapter.

Chapter 16


Jackson officially moved into an apartment that's only 15 minutes away. I helped him move some of his things the other day and I think he's doing alright but I'm not really sure.

He hasn't been going to school in the past week, which is understandable. Bean, Olive, and Rachelle don't know about Jackson getting kicked out because he finds it embarrassing that his own father would kick him out of his house.

I'm planning on going over to his house tommorow to see how he's doing. Hopefully he's not too lonely by himself.

I sit down at the kitchen table where my mom and dad are. We don't eat together a lot but when we do it's usually in complete silence.

" have a girlfriend yet?" My dad asks with a smirk.

Here's the thing. I haven't really told my parents that I'm gay. I can't tell them! My dad is super homophobic! I don't understand homophobic people. They're so stupid. I don't know if my mom is homophobic but I'm still not telling her.

", I don't have a girlfriend." I say while picking at my food.

"Well my friend has a daughter who's single. I can invite her over so you guys can talk." My dad says with a wink.

Oh, crap.

"No. I'm good." I say while avoiding eye contact.

My mom wasn't saying anything. Just eating her food and drinking her cheap wine.

"Come on! Why not? Don't you wanna have a pretty girl."

"No." I don't know what to say! My mind is going completely blank.

"Were you lying to me about not having a girlfriend? I bet she's cute!" My dad said while laughing.

"No! No, I wasn't lying."

"Then I'm gonna call my friend's daughter. She really pretty! I'm sure you'll like her!"

"No! It's fine. found a girl in school that I think is pretty!" I'm technically not lying. There are girls that are pretty at my school!

"Oh! You should bring her over!"

"I haven't really talked to her."

"What? Well you better start talking I want some grandchildren!" He said.

What the hell? I'm not even 18? And I can't have grandchildren know...I'm gay as fudge.

" maybe you should calm down. Why are you already talking about grandchildren?"

"Because you're all grown up now! I miss the younger you." He says. "But if one of my grandchildren were gay! I swear you would have to disown them! Or you could fix them. Being gay is so disgusting!"

Wow...That hurt.

"Well I don't really want children anyway. And they're also my children so if I did have any I would keep them no matter what. I wouldn't care if they were gay, straight, asexual, lesbian! I would love them because your sexual preference doesn't change who you are!" I say.

He looked disgusted.

"Are you serious? You're sounding like one of them now! Did they infect you! You're talking crazy!" He says.

I swear this man! Ugh, I can't deal with him! He's so freaking stupid! He doesn't even realize that he's talking about me!

"Dad. You sound stupid." I say and immediately regret.

He pounds his fist on the table and everyone's quiet. Even my mom and her loud chewing.

"You will not speak to me like that! Those gay people are disgusting! They are nasty creatures who shouldn't be on this Earth! They're all going to hell!"

I stand up from the table and start walking up the stairs.

"Where do you think you're going, young man?" My dad asks.

I turn around and look him in the eye before saying.

"To hell apparently."


RIP Benny, you will forever be missed. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for reading! Bye you beautiful people!

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