Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


I'm in love with Bean.

I knew that when I saw her sitting alone at lunch playing geometry dash on her phone. I know love at first sight is cliche but that's what I felt when I first saw her.

She used to be part of the mean girls group and I hated all of them including her. I figured out that she left the mean girls because she felt guilty for bullying people. After that, the mean girls wouldn't stop bothering her especially Cara. They spreaded rumors and talked about her until she was just another freak like the rest of us.

I started talking to her because she was all alone after she left her group. So I invited her to mine. We became best friends even though I wanted to be more. I didn't know if she was interested in me or if she "rolled that way" until one day we were going through someone's Instagram feed together and she said.

"Man I'm so glad I'm pansexual gives me waaaay more options!"

After that I fell in love with her even more. She was cute and confident. With her pretty ginger hair and freckles that speckled across her face perfectly. I don't understand how someone could be this perfect.

I told Rachelle about how I fell in love with Bean on the car ride to the movies. She told me that I should make a move in the theater. Which I did but was interrupted right when I was about to confess to her. She tried to bring the topic back up but I decided it would be better to tell her privately and not in a car full of freaks.

I was pretty mad at myself for not telling her earlier and decided that I was going to invite her to the park and tell her.

To: Beanie Boo
'Hey can u meet meh @ da park tmr?'

From: Beanie Boo
'Sure, what 4?'

To: Beanie Boo
"Just need to talk to u privately'

From: Beanie Boo
'Kk see u tmr 😁👍'

To: Beanie Boo
'K bye'

I'm super nervous to basically confess my love to my high school crush but it's got to happen someday.

I wonder how Benny and Jackson are doing they're probably going to be like an old married couple. SUPER CUTE!!!

I hope me and Bean are like that...but, what if she rejects me?

What if she says I'm not cool enough?

What if she says I'm not good enough?

What if she says I'm not-

This is stupid, of course Bean wouldn't say all those things. She would just kindly reject me...


I'm thinking too hard I should just go to sleep and wait for tomorrow...

I can't sleep.


It was Saturday and I didn't get any sleep the night before. I was too busy planning what to say to Bean. I was super excited but really nervous to confess to Bean.

I put on my white shirt with my dark blue ripped jeans and a dark green cardigan. I needed too look good in front of my little Beanie Boo.

I grabbed my bag and left the house.


It was dark outside and I walked over to the park bench. I sat down while waiting for Bean and saw her walking over.

She was wearing sweats pants with an ACDC shirt and socks with Nike Slip-On shoes. She had red puffy eyes and a messy bun.

In general she looked horrible.

"Bean, what's wrong? What happened?"

"S-she...didn't..." Bean started but immediately started sobbing.

I ran up to her and engulfed her in a huge hug. She sobbed into my shoulder grabbing onto me like her life depended on it.

I parted the hug so I could look into her pretty brown eyes. She still looked pretty even if she was crying. I couldn't resist anymore and I slowly started inching towards her. To the point I could feel her hot breath against my face.

I inched closer until there was no separation between our lips.

The kiss lasted a few seconds but it felt like forever. I put my hands on her cheeks and deepened the kiss until we parted.

I opened my eyes and saw her crying even more. I backed up scared that she was disgusted by me. And I guess she was because she backed up. And started running away.

Dang it.

A tear slipped down my cheek knowing that she was disgusted by me. I sat on the bench and started sobbing into my hands. I knew I would do something wrong.

Dang it!

Dang it!


I wonder why she was crying though, you know, before I kissed her and made her disgusted by me. She looked like a mess and she seemed miserable. Now I can't be there for her because I had to go and ruin our friendship.

Dang it.

These chapters are going by really fast sorry I can't think of any filler chapters soooo yeah...hope you like it anyways.

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