Chapter 15

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Warning: There are some homophobic parts in this chapter!!!

Chapter 15


It's been two days after my dad told me to leave. I haven't told Benny yet which I guess I should.

I'm currently looking at apartments that I can live in. My parents gave me a good amount of money so I should be fine for a while.

I grab my phone to text Benny.

Hey, can we meet up? - Jackson

Sure where do u wanna go? - Benny

That lake we used to go too - Jackson

Ok, see you there :) - Benny


I sit on the bench at the lake and wait for Benny.

I see Benny walk up to me with a cute smile.

"Hey, Jackie!" He says with a grin.

"Hey, Benny." I say.

He sits on the bench and grabs my hand.

"What did you want to talk about?" Benny asks while looking at the lake.

"My p-parents dad kicked me o-out." I say.

Benny's eyes widen in shock, "What?!? Are you serious? What the hell is wrong with them!?! Where are you gonna live? You can live with me if you want. Or not and I can help you with money and stuff. Do you know where you're going to live? Did they even give you money!?! Are you still living in the house. Did they already kick you out?!? Are you-"

"Benny I'm f-fine!"

"I just want to make sure you're ok." Benny says while looking in my eyes.

I grab his face and pull him into a kiss.

"It's f-fine. I'm fine. My dad gave me a week. He's giving me mon-money and I already applied for some jobs. I'm also looking at apar-apartments. It's going to be ok." I say while still holding his face.

" can still live with me if you want. My mom wouldn't mind." He says with a sad smile.

"Nope, I'm getting an apar-apart-ment." I say.

"But Jackie, I-"

"Benny! I love you. And I'm g-going to be fine." I say.

Benny sighs before grabbing my hand and staring intently in my eyes. "If you ever need something, money, food, a home. I'll be here, okay?"

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too Jackie."

We sit there for a while looking at the lake. Until we decide to get some food.


We walk into Aerach diner which means something in Irish. I look up the meaning and laugh. I show Benny and he laughs along with me.

A blonde girl comes up to serve us. She's twirling her hair and chewing her gum loudly.

She seems like a bitch.

"Hello, and welcome to Aerach diner. I'm Candace and I'll be serving you two today. Table for two?" She asks while still annoyingly chewing her gum.

"Yes, a table for two." Benny says with a cute smile.

I grab his hand and squeeze it. The girl makes a disgusted face.

"Ew, are you" She asks with disgust.

"Well I'm bi but this is my b-boyfriend." I say with a smile.

"Get out! We don't serve you're people." She says while backing away from us like we have a disease.

Benny frowns while looking up at me.

"Excuse me? L-listen here you bitch, we're all human just like you. So s-stop acting like a bitchy brat and go find your pea-peanut sized brain in the gutter!" I say.

Some people see what's happening but don't say anything.

A woman walks over to us.

"I'm sorry is there a problem." She asks.

"Yes! This dumb b-brat right here is telling us to leave because her homo-homophobic ass can't handle us!" I say.

"Oh, I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. She will be fired immediately." The woman says with a smile.

"Excuse me? I'm right here! Stop talking about me like I'm not right in front of you! Two people of the same gender being together is nasty!" The girl says.

"Then don't." The woman says.

The girl looks at her with a confused face.

"If you think that two genders being together is nasty then don't do it. Don't criticize people because of your own preference. You like dating someone of a different gender. People don't judge you because of your preference. So don't do the same to others." The woman says calmy.

"But because of your behavior today, you're fired." The woman adds.

The girl gasps before storming out of the diner.

"You're both going to hell!" She says while walking out.

Benny giggles.

"What are you la-laughing at?" I ask.

"Her stupidity!" He says while laughing.

Yeah. She is stupid.

"I am so sorry for that! My name's Alice I'm the manager. It's ok if you decide to leave, but please stay! I will give you a discount and a better waiter who's not a brat." Alice says with a sad smile.

Benny smiled, "Yeah, we can stay. Thank you!"

"Great you can take a seat there. And again I'm very sorry!" She says before walking away.

Benny and I sit down at a booth.

"That girl was such a bitch!" Benny said.

"Woah, since w-when do you swear?" I ask.

"I don't...well I only do it when I'm mad, and that girl hit a nerve!" He said.

"Yep, she was a bitch." I say with a smile.

A boy walks up to us and smiles. "Hello my name is Jake! I'll be serving you today! Your whole meal today is free, so please enjoy and chose anything you'd like." He says while smiling.

Me and Benny both smile at each other.

"Thank you."


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for reading! See you next chapter! Bye beautiful people!!! ;)

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