Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


I kept punching him and didn't stop.
Benny was trying to pull me off of him but I just kept punching.

Eventually Tyson started yelling so people started making their way into the kitchen. One of Tyson's friend ended up pulling me off of him.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!?" The guy said.

"What do-does it look like I'm doing? I'm beating up this s-stupid idiot!" I said glaring at the guy.

"You need to leave! NOW!" He yelled.

I grabbed Benny's hand and started leading him out. People made a path for us to go through. I walked out of the house with Benny still behind me. We made it to the car and I opened the door for Benny before going around and hopping into the drivers seat.

Benny looked at me with a worried expression on his face.

"Jackie? Are you ok?" He asked.

I sighed before looking at him.

"I'm fine....Tyson's not. My par-parents are going to kill me! D-damn it! He's pro-probably going to press charges or so-something like that!" I said while putting my head on the leather steering wheel.

"It's going to be fine. You're parents might be mad now but they'll get over it eventually. You can just explain what happened." Benny said.

"T-that's the thing! They don't fr-freaking listen to me! I hate them..."

We both stayed silent before Benny grabbed my hand.

"I love you. It's going to be ok. And if it isn't ok then I'll help you through it all. I'm going to be there for you. So don't worry." Benny said with a smile.

I grab his face and kiss him softly.

"Thank you." I said while smiling at him, and driving off.


I dropped Benny off and gave him a quick kiss before I headed back home.

I parked the car in the driveway before walking inside.

I saw my dad on the phone when I walked in. When he saw me he glared at me before ending the call.

"I just got a call from the Smith's, they said that you beat up their son Tyson at his party that you weren't even invited to. Is that true?" My dad said while staring daggers into my eyes.

"W-well yeah, I guess." I said.

My father walked up to me before slapping me in the face. I stumbled over a bit before glaring at him.



He glared at me.

"Ok then, I will. You can live on your own." He said in a serious tone.


"I can't handle you any more. You can go live on your own now. I'll give you some money and you can go live your own life. As long as it's far away from me and your mother." He said.

"Are you being serious?" I asked looking at him as if he were crazy.

"Yes, I'm being serious. I'll give you a week to pack your things and get out of my house." He said sternly.

"Y-you're really going to dis-disown your own son?" I ask.

"You're not my son anymore. You're going to leave this house. Am I clear?" He asked while glaring at me once again.

"Y-yes, I und-understand." I say while running up to my room.

How can they disown me? They've threatened to do it before but I never actually thought they'd do it. They're really kicking me out of my own house? I know I'm not the greatest son but I didn't expect them to hate me this much.

What am I going to tell Benny?


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for 200 reads!!! Go check out my other book called Swing Set. Bye beautiful people!!!

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