Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


Back to present time. I stood at my locker searching for my math book, but mostly just thinking about Olive. I still had a HUGE crush on them but I could never tell them. What if they didn't like me? What if they thought I was weird? What if they thought I was disgusting? What if- My thoughts were interrupted by a pretty voice which I immediately recognized.

"Hey Bean, what's up?" They said skipping over.

"Oh, hey Olive." They walked over with a huge smile on their face, their braces showing. Gosh, they're too cute.

"Hey Bean, I was just wondering if you wanted to go to the movies with me and the freaks!" They said still smiling.

"Uh, sure when do you want to go?" I said staring into their pretty green orbs for eyes.

"Hmm...Well I wanted to see that new scary movie, I heard there are even LGBT characters in there. SUPER CUTE!!! Maybe we should go on Friday?"

"Sure, I'm free Friday!!!" I said a little too happy.

"Cool, I'll see you on Friday! I'll text you the deets!!! Do people still say that??? Whatever, I'm bringing it back. Bye!" They smiled at me while practically skipping away.

It doesn't make sense how someone could be that cute. I heard someone's shoes walking down the hallway with an annoying sound to them. I immediately realized who they were.

'Click, Clack, Click, Clack'

That annoying sound echoed through the hallway until it came to a stop right next to me.

"Hey loser what you up too?" It was Allison the dumb mean girl. Who couldn't solve a math problem to save her life.

"Yeah what's a dump truck like you do these days anyways?" That one was Tati, the one that replaced me in the group.

"Shut up you two I do the talking here!" Then the worst one of them, Cara. She hated me ever sense I left them and she would never leave me alone.

"How's the freak life treating you?" Cara said with a smirk on that stupid face of hers.

"Oh, wow thanks so much for asking! It's actually treating me super well they're all so kind. I remember when I was in middle school I used to have some dumb and stupid jerky friends. Now I'm much happier!" I said happily.

The smirk on Cara's face immediately turned into a scowl. She walked away flipping her hair in my face. I rolled my eyes and went to class.


Then it was Friday. I couldn't stop thinking of Olive. Their smile, their freckles, their eyes, their braces. Man, I really, really, really liked them.

I decided to wear something cute but comfortable. I put on my hoodie with rainbow stripes on the side, and shorts that were barely visable. I usually didn't show that much skin but I really wanted to look cute for Olive. I put on my white socks that would show over my high top white nikes. I put my hair up in a ponytail and looked in the mirror.

I felt really cute today!

I heard a honk outside and quickly grabbed my bag full of candy and soda to sneak in the movie theater and ran out the door.

I saw Olives cute light blue Mini Cooper. Even their car was as cute as them. I got in the back seat sitting next to Benny and Jackson. It was pretty cramped but luckily I was used to it from always being cramped in the back seat with them.

Benny and Jackson were arguing (Like always) over some random thing. They used to never fight and were so friendly to each other, but when highschool came around they were always bickering.

Rachelle was in the front talking to Olive about something but I didn't know what because of the constant screaming next to me.

I reached in my bag of candy and got out my blue headphones to drown out the sound.

Then we drove away.

Hope you guys enjoyed the second chapter if you have any helpful criticism please feel free to tell me!

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