Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


"What? You love me?"

She was looking in my eyes and I could see her pretty freckles across her face.

"Yeah I love you. You're cute, smart, and you practically radiate positivity!" Bean said with the biggest smile I've ever seen.

" love me?" I said.

"Yeah, and you love me?"

"Yeah...are you sure you love me?

"Of course, but are you really sure you love me?"

I giggled at this run on conversation.

"Yes I'm really, really, really sure I love you!" I say and chuckle under my breath.

We both started laughing and giggling like little kids.

I stared at Bean and grabbed her hands.

"Um...c-can I kiss you?"

Her eyes looked shocked for a second before she nodded her head.

"Yeah, you can."

I leaned into kiss her. Our lips brushing against each other. Then I closed the gap and our lips touched.

It's about time! I've been waiting a whole 2 years to tell her I love her. And now it's finally happening.

We break apart and I stare into her eyes.

"Hey, you want to my girlfriend?" I asked.

Her eyes lit up and a huge grin formed in her face.

"Um...I don't know, I did kinda confess your love for me in a public bathroom. Not very romantic."

Oh, I forgot we were in a bathroom. I'm kinda stupid.

"Well then I guess our first date will have to be 10 times more romantic." I said while she blushed.

"Well...I guess I could give you the honor of letting me be your girlfriend!" She said and I immediately started jumping and giggling like a little kid.

"YAY!!! I'VE BEEN WAITING FOREVER FOR THIS!" I said in between laughs.

She started laughing and we both filled up the bathroom with the sounds of laughter and joy.

When we finally stopped laughing we both held hands and walked out the bathroom.

When we got out we saw Rachelle staring at us with her mouth wide open.

"Are you serious! Is there something in the air that's making everyone fall in love or something?" Rachelle asked staring at me and Beans hands linked together.

"Yeah I guess there is..." I said staring at Bean who was smiling at me.

"You're so cute when you smile!" I said to Bean which made her blush.

"Ugh all this love is going to make me barf!" Rachelle said while making fake gagging noises.

Benny and Jackson walked up to us and saw our hands. Jackson started laughing.

"I-I to-told you that the-they w-would end up g-getting tog-together! Now g-give me m-my 20 d-dollars!" Jackson said while smirking.

"Ugh!!! I really didn't think that they would get together! I'm really stupid." Benny said while shaking his head.

"Y-yeah you a-are babe s-so gi-give me my mon-money."

"What are you two talking about!?!" Rachelle said with her eyebrows raised.

"Me and Jackson had a bet going, on whether or not Bean and Olive would get together. Obviously I lost!" Benny said with a sigh.

"Wow! You didn't think me and Olive would date?" Bean says and gasps.

"Not really, but you two are cute together!" Benny says with a wide smile.

"Ugh, all this couple talk is making me sick! Can we just go to lunch now? Bean and Olive already missed 2nd period!" Rachelle said.

Rachelle is definitely the mom of the group. Always looking after us and being responsible.

"Ok fine we can go to lunch now!" I say looking at Bean.

I can't believe I was finally able to be with Bean after 2 years of waiting.

"Hey Bean?" I say staring into her pretty brown eyes.


"I really love you."

She smiles and squeezes my hand.

"I really love you too."

I hope you enjoyed Bean and Olives story! There story is over unless I think of anything to add. Now I'll be moving onto Jackson and Benny's POV! Thanks for reading!

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