Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


Dang it.

I'm such and idiot.

"What do you mean me? Bean was looking in my eyes. I loved her eyes.

"Um...I-I meant..." I didn't know what to say and my mind went blank.

"Do you mean as a friend...or um...the other way?"

"The other way." I quickly responded.

Well...that was one way to tell someone you love them.

I figured I should just tell her now. Might as well get it over with I knew I would have to do it some day.

But...What if she hated me? What if she thought I was weird?

What if she didn't feel the same way?

"J-just forget what I said, I was joking...sort've."

A tear rolled down her cheek and I knew I messed up.

Until she smiled.

"Why are you smiling? Are you going to spread rumors? Are you disgusted by me? Do you hate me?"

Then I heard her laugh.

She was laughing and grabbing her stomach like it was the funniest thing in the world that I just expressed my feelings to her.

"Um...ok, I guess that's one way to react." I said feeling hurt that she was laughing at my feelings.

"I'm sorry, you're just so weirdly cute!" She said in between laughs.

I can't tell if that was a compliment or not. Either way she called me cute so I guess that's good?

"Omg I'm sorry for actually love me?"

"Yeah! You're pretty, funny, confident, smart, and so nice. How could I not love you?"

She started blushing all the way up to her ears.

She's so cute.

"Listen you don't have to say anything I know you probably don't feel the same way."

"Actually, I..."

Before she could finish someone burst into the bathroom. It was Cara the leader of the Mean girls.

I hated her.

"Oh...what are you two rats doing here?" She said while flipping her hair.

"It's the bathroom...the public bathroom?" Bean said while rolling her eyes.

"Whatever can you just hurry up doing whatever you were doing, I don't like to look at rats faces they disgust me."

"Well then don't look in the mirror." Bean said while chuckling quietly.

I really love her.

"How dare you! I have more money than you! I have more friends than you! And I'm more popular than you!" Cara was so freaking annoying.

"You forgot one. You're also dumber than me."

I really, really love her.

"Ugh, you're such trash."

"Well if I'm trash then you're recycling since you're made out of plastic."

I really, really, really love her.

"You know what I'm just gonna use the bathroom somewhere else because you ugly rats stink!"

"Sorry, you're just smelling yourself."

I really, really, really, really love her.

Cara gasped before flipping her hair and walking out.

Bean rolled her eyes "I hate her."

"Yeah me too, I can't believe you said all those things though!"

"They were all true!" She started laughing and I laughed with her.

"This is why I love you."

Bean stopped laughing and looked into my eyes.

Why did I have to say that? What is she gonna say? I ruined our friendship...

Bean smiled and grabbed my hands.

"I love you too."

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