Farewell (Prologue)

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Above is the original cover of the book.

Disclaimer: None of the characters belongs to me.

He had 10 minutes watching them, couldn't stop doing it, they were perfect, or at least that's the way he looked at them because they were his children, he didn't know, he was just certain that they were beautiful and he loves them without any doubt, even if his future actions will tell the contrary, he carried them inside for 9 months and those were the best months of his life, he doesn't want to leave them, but this is not the life he dreamed of.

Since kid he wanted to be a singer, he used to dream of scenarios, and big crowds screaming his name, so he's not complete with what he has now; he doesn't regret having kids or choosing Zayn as his partner and father of his kids, but he does not like the course his life is taking right now, he's 18 and has a life and a career to take ahead.

He caresses their little heads for one last time and kisses them with devotion, whispers "I love you" to each one, and gets out of the twin's room before regretting it and not leaving them.
He goes downstairs slowly to not wake up the man he left in his bedroom, he only left a note for him telling everything he felt and the reasons why he was doing this, maybe all the explanations weren't enough, but this was his chance to make what he wanted, it wasn't something bad wanting to follow his dreams, it was selfish, but not something to consider a sin, he just wanted to follow his dreams. Sighing deeply, he took his car keys, wallet, papers, and a photograph of Zayn and the kids two months after the birth of Aahil and Meg, it was his favorite. He walked to the garage and turned on the engine of his car, he left his house with a fixed heading; London. There is one of the most important programs in the UK and it was a good chance to start his career.

If he had turned his head to the window of his bedroom with Zayn, he would've realized that someone was following his track with a painful gaze.


So! here is the first chapter, this is a really good, funny, and lovely story that I read maybe four times already, is one of my first favorites so I've asked permission from the original author Kenia11K to translate it and share it with the world! haha, hope you enjoy it as much as I did. :)

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