𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞

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It has been months since they broke up. He don't know if Louis already told Liam about it but Zayn haven't said any word to him, neither does Niall.

He got home, feeling really tired. He still haven't move on yet but he is starting to feel better or he thought so? He deactivate his twitter accounts except his stan account. He still kept it to avoid suspicion, just in case. He didn't make his instagram private but he turned off the comments at every post. He still haven't deleted his and their pictures together. He can't do it. He can't bring himself to do it. But he needed to. If he don't, he's going to hurt himself more. He look at all their pictures on instagram one last time before he started to delete it.

Maybe he didn't delete it. Maybe he just put in on archive. Maybe he still isn't ready to let him go.

It's been going on everyday, he doesn't eat much, he's always sleeping with a heavy heart. He's always so tired. Maybe because of his pain in his heart or maybe he hurt Louis that bad or maybe both. He wants to talk to him but he can't. He's just so embarrassed with everything. He's embarrassed of himself. He can't even look at all his pictures because it pains him, it pains him to see the person he loves so much, is hurting because of him. And it's his fault.


He walked out the door of his bedroom to the bathroom to wash his face, brush his teeth and put on his robe.

He wet his face and look at himself in the mirror. His face looks like he was beat up, his eyes were puffy from crying. He took a deep sigh before forcing himself downstair to make him breakfast or lunch, whatever because he's really hungry. He didn't check the time or even get his phone from his side table.

He went to the kitchen to see Niall and Zayn looking at him worriedly.

"What happened Harry?" Niall asked, concern masking his face.

He and Zayn woke up to a lot of notifications saying that Harry deleted every pictures of them on his instagram. And when they look at it, they were in deep shock. Everything was deleted. And they know what that means.

"We broke up. I broke up with him." Harry replied hardly, making himself a toast.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry." Zayn said, walking up to Harry to hug him. Harry put his plate down on the counter top and sob in arms of Zayn and Niall.

They stood there, calming Harry down from crying. It's so hard to see him like this. Harry was always a joyful person. He really makes everyone smile around him. He's a cheeky funny lad that everyone adores. But today, it's so different. Harry was so broken. He just cried and cried and cried to the point were there's no any tears left. When he finally calm down, he told everything to them. He was still crying while telling the story.

Zayn and Niall were allowed to feel mad over Harry for keeping it for a month and not saying anything to them when he was hurting. They're allowed to feel somewhat betrayed by their own best friend.

It made Harry feel better. He's so thankful for having a very supportive best friend from the start. They listened, they gave him advice, they scolded him for such things, and they made him feel better.

He let everything out to them. Now it's going to tell it to his family. And he hopes that they will understand his situation and the reason why he did that.

At night, they watched horror movies. The three of them keep screaming to all the jump scare in the movie. Zayn made popcorn and Niall bought beers. They pushed the center table to the side and made a small bed in the middle of the room. They watched in peace, screaming at any moment then laughing at themselves afterwards of how scared their asses are. It somehow made Harry forget Louis, for the mean time.


Harry told his family about it the next day. They were so shock to know the news and a bit disappointed for keeping it to them. But they reassure him that everything's going to be okay. Not now, cause he's still broken, but it will eventually.

Social media has been in chaos already. He received multiple chats from his school mates regarding the issue and they're all hoping that he will be okay. And on twitter, it's everywhere. His timeline is talking about it, a lot articles were made but he never read anything. His timeline were sad because everyone were rooting for them. And some of them were heartbroken too just like him. He started reading some tweets and it made him smile a bit knowing that they love him for Louis and they support him.

He thought of Louis. How is he doing? Is he eating alright? Is he okay? Has he move on? Is he still mad at Harry? How is he coping?

There's so many thoughts running through his head, so many questions he wanted to ask, but he can't. He still haven't forgiven himself too. But he thought it will be the best for them.

He sent a text to Zayn to ask Liam about Louis and he regretted it immediately when he pressed send.

'Louis is hard to read sometimes but I think he's still not okay. On the bright side, he is eating well i'm glad. He is spending a lot of time in the studio lately..'

Oh. That's all Harry could say.

His stomach dropped when he read that he's still not okay. It's his fault. Everything is his fault. Fuck you Harry. But he's glad that he's eating well.

He sat on his bed, still awake in the middle of the night. His internship was about to end in a week and he's looking forward to it. After the internship, he's going to handle some documents for his upcoming graduation.

Wait, he forgot about that. He's about to graduate from college. His lips formed into a small smile, he's almost at the end. He's about to graduate.

His smile broke when he remembered someone. Someone very close to his heart. Someone who never stopped supporting him. Someone who always believed in him. Someone he hurt so bad. He groaned. He should stop. It's been almost two months.


Well, to be honest, he's starting to forget him. He's been so busy lately with work that he hasn't any time to think of him. He's still on his mind but it's not too much anymore. He's learning to forget it. And for the first time, he's not failing.

𝑫𝒊𝒔𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 💻 Larry Stylinson Social Media AU | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now