𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲

3.6K 102 71

Harry pulled his baggage together with the other cabin crew for today's flight. The flight today is bound from New York to London. The airport is very busy, there's a lot of long queues in every airlines to get their tickets and a lot of people waiting and scattered in the waiting area. His bag went to the x-ray machine and waited for it on the other side. Once he get it and guards check his pockets and body, they made their way to the entrance of the airplane. Their baggage was put in a different compartment away from the passengers compartment which is under the plane. The crew and the pilots have a little meeting where they discussed about the flight time and any safety concerns. After that, the lead attendant, Tammy, assigned them to different section of the plane. In Harry's case, he was assigned to the first class section together with Jenny and Cassandra. They clean the inside of the airplane, checked all the foods they will serve the passengers later, did a quick testing and demonstrations of the technical equipment they will use later and double checked every chairs if it has all the safety and emergency tools for the passengers to use because it's really important.

In a couple of hours, people started to fill the airplane one by one. Once everyone's inside, the pilot turned on the engine and he and the rest of the cabin crew positioned and do their jobs by giving the introduction of British Airways, demonstrated the safety precautions and emergency procedures before they took off. The flight was delayed for about 15 minutes due to air traffic but the pilot reassured that they will arrive on time in London.

The flight time is almost at 7 hours. It's pretty exhausting because for this job, he needed to stay awake for the whole time straight. He usually have mini naps in between, but for this, he can't. He needs to be attentive to all the passengers needs. It's his job after all.

The first class area is not full, there are a few vacant seats in the back and front area. He prepared all the snacks and drinks he will serve the passengers. He clean the mini cart he always use with many drawers that has the foods, drinks inside and other necessities. The wheel is a bit squeaky now that it's been pushed a hundred times already. He keep a note in his mind about it.

The kits he prepared are now being offered by him and the crew. Which they divided into two. The first half section will be his, and the second half will be for Jenny, the other flight attendant. He loves his job so much because it's giving him a lot of chance to talk to different people with different race, and what he loves the most is that he has the opportunity to travel and visit the countries he wanted to since he was young. They were always given a day or two to explore the countries they're bound to before they went back to work and go to another country again. He got used to jet lagged since they were practiced during the 6 months training. He learned a lot during the training, his language skills got enhanced, his body became more buffed due to constant training, he learned doing all the first aid, survival skills, emergency training, how to calm himself, food preparing, making different kinds of drinks and a lot more. He loves it and is very dedicated to it.

His first day was a complete success. To say, he was very nervous. But his team reassured him that this was their dream. They did not do this training for half a year so they can chicken out in the end. They did this so they can be in this position. The position where they were given a lot of beneficial opportunities like traveling and exploring different foreign places, a position that a lot of people look up to, and a position where they help people. He smiled to himself and ace the first day of his job. His team congratulate him and they had a little celebration once they landed in Japan.

"Harry, can you do my area? I just needed to do a quick job, one of the passenger, 4B, requested something with his drink. Can you back me up for a bit?" Jenny said in a rush while opening a drawer with creamers inside.

"Sure! Which area you haven't served?" He asked, changing his cart into Jenny's.

"5B to 7B." Jenny replied, giving him a smile. Harry nodded and went to the back area of the first class section.

He serve the foods to the passenger and asked them if they needed something else. When he got a 'no, thank you' response, he proceeded to the last person in the line. Once he got to the last person, he swears his heart started to beat fast and tried so hard to calm himself before masking a smile.


How in the world this is happening again.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." He muttered under his breath.


this book is almost finished!! :(

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