Chapter 7

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*A/N: I just want to start off with saying I'm really surprised there are more than two (by two I meant my friends :|) people that are reading this!! I love you readers for sticking with me through this weird story! x
P.s. Ashton on the side ;)

I shook the shock of off me and sprinted towards the glass wall, banging on it, in the hope Ashton would hear it or anything. He didn't respond though and I bit my lip, inspecting the room he was in.

There didn't seem to be any doors or windows and it was all concrete. Except for the ceiling that was very high and made of some sort of metal. The glass wall in front of me reached till halfway the whole wall, which was about two floors, and the rest of the wall was made of, yes you can guess it, concrete. So in other words, there was no way you could get in or out that room.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I exclaimed, pulling my hair in frustration, before starting to kick the glass wall furiously.

I eventually gave up, after kicking the wall once more, and let myself fall into a sitting position on the floor. I buried my face in my hands and tried to stop the tears from coming. This was not the time to cry. I had to figure out a way to get either into that room or break the impossibly strong glass wall or whatever way to get Ashton away from there. I really-

"Ally!" I looked up and saw Calum standing in another doorway as the one I had come from.

"Calum!" I jumped up and flew right at him, yanking him towards the glass wall.

"What's- Ashton!"

"He's... I think he's unconscious. Well, I hope."

Calum looked at me as he told me reassuringly, "He's fine, I'm sure. We just need to get him out of here. You never know what you walk into."

"The only problem is, it's like there's no way into that room..."

Calum frowned, looking at the room again and inspecting it like I had done earlier. "It seems that you're right. And how about this glass?"

"It's too thick, I can't seem to break it." Calum nodded as he looked around the room we were in.

"What's that?" He questioned, walking towards some sort of panel on the wall that was across from the door Calum had come from.

"I... I haven't seen it earlier. God, I'm so stupid."

"You're not Ally, you just didn't see it. It happens." We stood in front of the panel, looking at it to see if we could find out what it was. It was a rectangular flat thing, with a switch, a few buttons and a smaller rectangular panel that had numbers on it and a percent symbol next to it. The numbers seemed to decrease, but very slowly.

"What do the numbers stand for?" I asked Calum, not that he would know it, but maybe we could figure it out together.

"Holy shit." We both turned around, seeing Michael looking at the glass wall, with a small piece of white paper in his one hand. But that wasn't really what caught my attention, the scratches on his arm and his ripped clothes were.

"What the hell did you do?" I asked him, as I walked towards him to examine his ripped clothes.

"I... There was this thing and I was just in this room, looking at some papers and it tried to steal this one, but only this one, so I thought it was important and tried to get it back." He told us, speaking so fast I barely understood half of it.

"Okay, calm down, and say that again." Calum said, now standing next to me.

"I was in this room and there were some papers here and there. I was just looking through some of them, as this... Cat-like thing sneaks into the room, as if it didn't know I saw it, to take one of the papers, after it specifically seemed to have been looking for that one. I closed the door before it could escape and tried to get the paper from it, but obviously that didn't go without scratches..."
Micheal looked down at his arms and shirt, letting out a sigh.

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