Chapter 15

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Of course something like that caused the crowd to talk loudly again, leaving the headmaster with an annoyed look as he seemed to sigh.

"CAN YOU ALL JUST LISTEN FOR A MOMENT?" The headmaster shouted, causing the crowd to become silent again. "Thank you. Again. You can talk once you've been divided into groups, yes?"

He looked as if he expected people to talk again, but luckily for him everyone stayed silent. "Great. Okay. So..." And with that he started to name groups, by year, which meant I was in the same group as Maya. Yade was in the same year as Luke and Harry apparently, as she was a year older than me, and the three left over, Calum, Michael and Ashton, were in the same year as well, so they were in one group too.

"Okay, every group go to your assigned classroom, that's where a teacher will give you information and will give you your training schedule, which might not be the same as your fellow classmates, since we've tried to base it on your powers." At that I bit my lip, trying to think of which group I would be divided into.

"Now, hurry up and start training." The headmaster ended, getting off the table again as the crowd started to talk and push.

"Alaya!" Ashton made his way to me, as he had previously been standing with the boys a little further from me. "We'll see each other in the first break we get yeah? If we don't have any training together."

I nodded and gave him a quick hug, as he made his way to Michael and Calum, who had been waiting for him. They both waved at me, which I returned, before they made their way from the gym hall.

"Maya, come on. Let's go." I told her, as she had appeared next to me. I said goodbye to Yade and then quickly made my way from the gym hall with Maya next to me.

We followed the crowd for a bit, before we had to turn right and go into the first classroom to the left. It was extremely full, people sitting on the chairs, tables and standing next to them. We found a place to stand near the window and waited for everyone to get into the room.

"Welcome everyone. The headmaster already told you about the attack we've been threatened with, so that's not what I'm gonna tell you all about, but the main thing is your training. I have schedules for everyone, so if I say your name, please come forward and take your schedule, then go to the place where you need to be according to it, yes?" A lot of people nodded or said something like "yes" or "okay".

The teacher began to read the names, which were sorted in alphabetical order, by last name. I was the only one left in the room after a while, as the teacher looked at me with a pitiful expression. "I'm sorry Alaya, we decided you just have to help with the defence since-"

"I got them." I interrupted her. My first time ever to interrupt a teacher. Go me.

"What do you mean?"

"They... It's... I'm not sure how it happened, but they appeared. I trained this break and it's really working out." She looked at me with her eyes a bit widened, a smile slowly appearing. "Really? That's great news!"

"What's great news?" The headmaster asked, coming in.

"Alaya found her powers and worked on them this break." She told him happily, as I awkwardly stood there.

"Well, that's great. Make her a schedule and get on with the work. I came to check up on the class to see if anyone's called in sick and I see you already got the rest to work." The headmaster told her, nodding his head in approval, before walking towards the desk. The teacher pulled out a small note and read it quickly. "Only two. Josepher King and Victoria Campbell." She told him, causing me to raise my eyebrows at that. Now I did think of it, I hadn't seen her. But I guess she just didn't want to face Ashton. I mean, I already had a hard time acting normally around Luke, like, without thinking too much, so I guess she just had her reasons that way...

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