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Adrian in MM

I stepped inside the car and my heart rate finally slowed down but he was still watching me so i put my key into the ignition and started up my 2009 Nissan Altima.

I waved my hand goodbye as i pulled out of the Shells parking lot and as soon as i came to the nearest light. I did my happy dance and dialed Dream but she beat me to it.

                         incoming facetime call

"HEYY BII- woahhhh hold tf up"
"What you so happy for ion like this"
"I still got it girl i might not need  batteries after all"
"First off gross and second off who is it"
"He told me his name is August but they call him AJ-"
"Wait is he tall and darkskin"
"Um yea, how you know"
"That's the dude i was trying to put you on what happened to 'getting over johnathan'"
"Look i'm pulling up now and i'll explain to you in a minute"

I ended the call and got the snacks and books out of my car. I locked the doors and used to my code to get into the door. Before i stepped in I could hear "Hang on" by Kierra Sheard blasting through the speakers.

Oh lord here we go again i said in my head as i mentally rolled my eyes. I struggled to get in the house and after shouting her name 2 times i was getting frustrated.

"Gir- what are you doing",I said putting my things down on the kitchen counter, heading upstairs to my room. Noticing tissues and papers all over the floor.

"Serenity is that you"Dream shouted.

"Who else got the code idiot" i yelled back as i stomped up the stairs

"Girl i'm so tired of school i think i might be a stripper." she came close to me with tears streaming down her face.

"Why you crying pooh, what's wrong"i said turning down the music and going in for a hug.

"I just don't know if i can do it. It's getting hard Teaching is not what I want to do. I think i want to do hair." Serenity replied.

"Serenity you can't keep changing your majors. First it was a Law, then Teaching, and now it's hair"i said sternly while wiping her tears

"I know but this is what I actually wanna do. You know i'm indecisive but this time I'm serious."Serenity pleaded

"You have to get a plan though and actually go through with this. Especially if you want to own your own business. Because your leadership skills are too strong to be working under somebody else. You hear me?" i said while grabbing tissue.

"Your so right, my parents will be mad but i gotta do this" She said while sniffling into her tissue.

"Stop all that crying ok, I'll support you through anything and you know Grandma got your back too"I replied.

"How she been with the kemo the hospital never lets me talk to her when she's there and you know she's always at church." Serenity babbled.

"I honestly don't scares me though she's like the only family i have besides my moms side of the family and they never really reached out to me and i never tried" I looked down at my legs as they were shaking. It was always a nervous habit of mine. Dream instantly read that and swarmed over me with a hug after she stopped sweeping.

"Serenity you know you can always talk to me I love you so much and i don't want you fall back into your old ways" she replied

My old ways ... those words boomed throughout my thoughts

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