He Has Problems

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Avengers Group Chat

Scary Russian Lady
Did you see his face?!

Yes I saw!!

Scary Green Lady
He is the most adorable human being I have ever seen!

Who are you talking about and why do you love him more than me?

Metal Army
They're talking about Peter.

Big Boss
You've met Peter?!

I told you guys not to!

Like there was any way you could've stopped us.

Big Boss
I can block your acces to the kitchen.

Noo! Please don't!!

Food is our life!

Big Boss
Well, have fun dying.

Flying Fiasco
You are so mean.

But guys, did you see how he reacted when I touched him?

He looked like he could've gotten killed any second.

Scary Russian Lady
Yes I saw, and honestly, I'm worried.

Science Bro
He has been attacked by some guy and ended up in the hospital, I think his reaction was just an act of fear because of the trauma.

Trauma? Do you mean he got a trauma after this?

Science Bro
It's likely, most people take months to process experiences like these.

Big Boss

Scary Russian Lady
He walked out of the building BY HIMSELF.

Big Boss
He did WHAT?!

Who let him leave like that?

We didn't let him leave, first second he was with us and the other he was walking away.

Should we ask about it?

Tin Can Bro
He has problems, everybody has problems.

But a trauma is a bigger problem than the ones normal people have.

Scary Russian Lady
Maybe there is a way to help him without revealing our secret.

Because Tony doesn't want him to know, for some reason.

Big Boss
Because that will change the relationship between us.

He is really good at science and other stuff like that, maybe an internship?

Science Bro
That sounds like a good idea.

I'll set up a mail.



I need help!!!

Miss. Pep
With what?

Before you ask if I'm hurt, I'm not.

But I got an email from Mr. Stark!!

He wants me to apply for an internship!!

What should I do??

Mr. Old
Say yes.

Everyone else

Mr. Steve
Why is that so hard of a choice?

I don't know, I feel like they're pitying me

That only because I laid in their medical bay for a while I am an object that 'must be protected'

Miss. Nat
I don't think that's true.

You know that they search for months for a good employee?

You were probably already chosen, but they've sent that mail today.

Mr. Green
Exactly, don't worry. You go there and look if it's a good job for you and if you think it isn't, you decline.

Simple as that.

Thanks guys :))

Mr. Bird
So you're going to do it?

Yup, thanks for the advice!

And thank you Mr. Old for calling Mr. Stark ♡\(^●^)/♡

Mr. Old
Anytime kid.

Mr. Little
Pfft, dad.

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