5/Blink and You're Dead

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As an apology for such short chapter and delays recently, this is a larger than usual chapter here. Though I have to warn you, even though I have full intentions of completing this book, I won't be able to make regular updates. Hope you enjoy it.

"What do you mean it had a Time Lord in it?" Alex asked.

"Time Lords have a certain piece of technology, usually installed in the TARDIS, for convenience. It's what we call the Chameleon Arch. It changes the species of the Time Lord. However, it has to store the consciousness of the Time Lord somewhere to conceal it from others, usually those meaning harm to the Time Lord. It's stored in watches like these." He raised the watch, still in his hand.

"How can it just change species, though?" I wondered out loud. He never mentioned such a thing before. Martha tried to explain it once, when it came up, but was unsuccessful.

Alex's POV

"It rewrites my biology. Every single cell in my body, rearranged to change my species. It disassembles and then reassembles them. That's how it works." the Doctor replied. Why did he look so grim? I should ask.

"Hey, you alright?" I inquired.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" he replied back, trying to hide this feelings.

"Doesn't work on me pretty boy" I thought.

"Oh.." Said the Doctor. "Ohhh...." Said Jack.

"What?" I demanded. "Tell me!"
"I think it's called thinking out loud" Jack smirked.

Then he began singing. Again.

"I'm thinking 'bout how.... People fall in love in mysterious ways, maybe ju-"

"STOP!" The Doctor screamed.

"Aww.... Don't be such a meanie-weenie!" Jack exclaimed.

"Meanie-weenie?" I exchanged a confused glance between myself and the Doctor.

"Means he is a mean boy." Jack said with a pout.

"Whatever. If you say you're good, fine. Keep lying. If you feel like sharing, go ahead. Not going to push. But- What's that?" I suddenly asked. There were two statues..... Like angels..... No, not like the ones in trenchcoats. It was a statue of an angel which looked as if it was crying.

"Wait, isn't that a-oh, what's it called-" Jack stuttered.

"A Weeping Angel. Jess, back away from them, slowly- that's it. Good. Now, keep your eyes on them,will you Jack? I need to blink."the Doctor said. I followed every single instruction he gave, not wanting to be troublesome just because I was doubtful. The Doctor just had a vibe that one would trust him to be right and...... Righteous.

Jack trained his eyes on what must obviously not be a statue while the Doctor blinked a couple of times.

"Right. Now, since I'm... Well, me," Doctor started, "i can stay without blinking for 'bout five minutes. Still, careful.

"What's a Weeping Angel? Not a statue, I presume?" I queried.

"No, it's not. It is species. The Weeping Angels are assassins, the kindest ones in the universe. they are the only one to kill you nicely." The brown coated man said cautiously.

"They send you back in time. The time you were to spend here is released in the form of time energy. They depend on this energy, they feed on it."

"What about not blinking part?" I asked.

Jack answered this time. Told me how the statues only move when no living thing is looking at them.

"They're creatures from another world. If you want to live, don't blink. Lonely Assassins, they used to be called.

No one quite knows where they came from, but they're as old as the Universe, or very nearly, and they have survived this long because they have the most perfect defense system ever evolved. They're quantum locked.

They don't exist when they're being observed. The moment they are seen by any other living creature, they freeze into rock. No choice, it's a fact of their biology. In the sight of any living thing they literally turn to stone. And you can't kill a stone. 'Course, a stone can't kill you either, but then you turn your head away. Then you blink, and oh yes it can!"

'Listen closely, your life could depend on this. Don't blink. Don't even blink. Blink and you're dead. They are fast, faster than you can believe. Don't turn your back, don't look away and don't blink." Doctor said gravy. It was creepy, in a way.

"Good luck." Jack mumbled.

"But you said..... You said they're assassins. How come they send you back in time?" I said scared after what he said. Wouldn't anyone?

"They send your back in time, back enough that you die in your past. Maximum, you're too old by the time you reach back to your 'present' ." You could hear the quotation marks in his voice.

Did he say the kindest way of killing? I'm sorry, that sounds terrifying.

"J-Jack! quick! Eyes on the Angels!" The Doctor stuttered, his eyes strained and red.

"On it, be quick, though." He replied.

"Ohhh I'm gonna need a minute here."
"What?! I can't kee-"
"You know what I mean!" The Doctor moaned.

"Oh for the love of murder.... Here." I said. The Doctor fell on the TARDIS floor, looking pale.

11th March, 2020

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