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"So exciting to be in a diplomatic mission to Ba Sing Se! What's the earth queen like?" Korra asked Tenzin, while you were watching Kai train with Bumi, Jinora and Asami on the top of the airship.

"I've never met her but I've heard she can be quite demanding" Tenzin replied and Korra's excitement was slowly fading away.

"This is it Mako! We made it! This is were dad grew up! Come here, look! Look!" Bolin suddenly screamed and ran to you, pointing to Ba Sing Se. You flinched and placed a hand on your heart dramatically. You got scared.

"Okay, Bolin calm down, I'm looking. Sorry Y/n, he is very excited" Mako giggled and apologized.

"It's fine" You mumbled and smiled.

"I wonder how many airbenders are down there" The Avatar exclaimed as you flew right up the city's walls. Ba Sing Se seemed majestic, until you flew on top of
the lower ring.

It was.. so depressing. Garbage everywhere, many destroyed buildings and many homeless citizens.

"Ugh, the lower ring looks terrible!" Korra commented, kind of shocked.

"It does" You agreed and covered your mouth and nose with your sleeve, like Bolin and Mako did. The smell was unpleasant and it was making you nauseous.

"Yeah, I can smell that from here" Bolin mumbled, with a disgusted look on his face. "No wonder dad left"

You passed the middle ring and after a minute, you were finally on top of the upper ring. This is the Ba Sing Se everyone's talking about! The biggest, most beautiful city ever.

"Wow! Now this is more like it" Kai shouted as you took a deep breath, enjoying the slight breeze.


"Avatar Korra, Master Tenzin. It is a pleasure to welcome you and your party to the upper ring of Ba Sing Se. I'm grand secretariat Gan" A man, who was waiting for you when we landed, said.

"Thank you" Korra stated and slightly bowed. Bolin, with his pet Pabu, walked a little further. Naga and Oogie following from behind.

"Oh no! T-the queen hates animals. We've got to get them out of sight!" The secretariat yelled, panicking.

"Well I can just stash Pabu in my shirt! But these two are gonna be a little tougher" Bolin said and giggled.

"Come with me, hurry! I'll take you to your quarters." the man said and started walking.

"Now, when you meet the queen make sure you bow low enough, that's very important! And don't look her in the eye, she can't stand that! If any food is served, don't eat before she eats! Well, actually I have to test her food first, then she eats, then you can eat. Better yet, just don't eat" He spoke fastly, not even taking a breath. He was really anxious.

"I haven't even met her yet and she already sounds like a terrible person" You said and crossed your arms.

"Yeah, seems like an awful lot of rules" Korra muttered and looked at you.

"You have no idea. And I am the one who gets in trouble when people don't follow them, so please, please for my sake, just try not to upset her majesty." The secretariat said and sighed sadly.

"I'll.. try my best" you stated and ran a hand through your hair. Mako smiled at your comment.

"Here we are!" Gan remarked, lifting his arms to the air. You gasped at the sight of the house. It was very......

"Very swanky" Mako said as you observed the place in awe. Exactly.  Very swanky. You all walked inside, glancing around.

"So this is the luxury life huh?" you said sarcastically and snorted. "Trust me, having a lot of money does not mean anything" Asami replied, frowning. "My father, Hiroshi Sato, the creator of-

"-the Satomobiles! Yeah, I've heard of him. I had no idea you're his daughter, sorry" You said and furrowed your eyebrows.

"That's okay. We should get to know each other" she said, smiling and you nodded. She seemed a nice and chill person, so why not?

The voice of the secretariat, ended your  small conversation."Now go in and make yourselves comfortable! And keep those animals out of sight, in the back yard!"

"Avatar Korra, follow me! We don't want to keep her majesty waiting" Gan added and you rolled ny eyes for the hundredth time today.

"Good luck with the queen" Yiu sympathetically said and waved at Korra. She giggled and thanked you, before they left.

"Has anyone seen Kai?" Jinora asked, standing up from her seat. You widened my eyes, realizing that your brother was not here.

"Oh no" you panicked and placed a hand over my mouth. "My brother left and I didn't even notice!"

"He's probably in here somewhere, don't worry" Asami said and placed a hand on your shoulder.

You started calling out for him but there was no answer. Bumi searched the rooms but he wasn't in any of them.

"I-I don't think I've see him since we landed!" You anxiously said. "Yeah you're right" Asami nodded.

"We have to find him! He is probably lost and scared!" Bolin face saddened.

"No, I'm sure Kai is fine. In fact, he's probably wandering around the city" You angrily said and then sighed. You was actually anxious about what he would do.

"Guys, I'm sorry Kai has put you in so much trouble. He can be so annoying some times. Don't worry, I'll go search for him. You can stay here. Besides, he is my little brother" You added and turned around to leave, when someone grabbed your wrist, pulling you back. It was Mako.

"Y/n, have you lost your mind? Have you got any idea of how huge Ba Sing Se is? What if you get lost? What if someone attacks you? What if a pervert-

"Woah Mako, relax! I'm sure she'll be fine. If she wants, I could go with her" Asami said and laughed.

"He is just being protective. I find it sweet" Jinora said and smiled.

"Whatever. Bolin and I are coming with you" Mako said bossily.

"Fine" You gave up and rolled your eyes.


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