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"Kai?" Bolin and you called out for him, but there was no sight of him. You were starting to get more worried.

"Kai! Get back here!" Mako yelled as he spotted your brother stealing money from a man.

The three of you started running towards him but Kai ran the other direction. "Kai stop!" you shouted but he didn't listen.

Mako was ahead of you, until you got to the train station. You saw Kai entering a wagon.

You ran inside the wagon and you caught Kai, by surprise.

"What are you doing, running around robbing people?!" You yelled angrily.

"Uh- I was just practicing my airbending!" Kai lied and smiled innocently.

"Yeah right! Let's go. You're in big trouble" You told him and grabbed his arm but he somehow got himself free. Kai moved his hands around and blew air on you, making Bolin, Mako and you stumble and fall down. You actually landed on top of Mako.

"I-I'm sorry" you stuttered as you got off of Mako, embarrassment written all over your face. You knew your cheeks had turned red.

Kai managed to get out of the train, before the doors closing and ran away. Then the train started to leave. Mako gave you a look.

"Your little brother huh?" Mako said and huffed.


"just a lovable little scam, isn't he?"  Bolin stated and smiled.

"reminds me of my little brother" Mako scoffed.

"Okay.. Now what?" you asked and threw your hands in the air in frustration. You were trapped in a freaking train, not knowing where it is heading too.

"You are in the express line to the lower ring. Next stop Po Kong Station", You heard a voice through the loudspeakers.

"oh great" you sarcastically said and sighed.

"We'll figure something out, its okay Y/n" Bolin muttered and gave you a little smile.

After a long time, the train arrived at it's destination. You were pushed out of the train by an pissed of man.

"Alright. Let's see if we can catch another train back to the Upper Ring" Mako said as he walked forward. Bolin and you followed.

Unfortunately, you were stopped by a guy who was working there.
"Passports and tickets!" He demanded, eyeing you up and down, probably because of how you were dressed.

"We can pay, hold on!" Bolin exclaimed, searching his pockets for money. Mako did the same.
You did too, but to your surprise, they were empty. How is this possible?

"Where.. where is my money?" Bolin asked, with wide eyes. Then Mako clenched his jaw and realization hit you.

"No..Kai wouldn't..." Bolin laughed and then suddenly went silent.

"I swear, when we find him, I will murder him!" You yelled and tightened  your fists.

"Alright! Beat it, you three! Before things get ugly" The man warned and pushed you back. You noticed some guards observing us suspiciously, ready to catch you if we started a fight.

You all looked at each other, before deciding to turn around and leave.

"The bad news is.. we're stuck here. The good news is.. you can go to the bathroom wherever you want!" Bolin giggled, glancing around and placing his hand on his brother's shoulder.


"We have to find a place to spend the night" You said, desperately trying to keep your eyes open. You were very tired and you just wanted to sleep. It had already gotten dark and all you did, was wander around the Lower Ring.

"I agree with Y/n" Bolin said and yawned. "Any ideas?"

"Well, we can rest at this alley for a few hours" Mako suggested and pointed at a small alley.

"Sure. We'll leave in the morning" You stated and smiled tirelessly.

"like the old times" Bolin muttered and laughed.

"you guys slept in the streets too?" You asked and raised your eyebrows. And then you realized. That's what Mako meant, when he told you, he knew how was it to live like you and Kai.

"Our parents were killed when we were little. Long story short -
we lived in the streets for a long time, then we came in contact with a criminal organization, called The Triple Threat and worked for them for a few years. Eventually, we stopped. Then, we became probenders and lived over the arena's gym. After awhile, we met Korra, we became friends and she actually was a member of our Pro Bending team. Well, now we are helping her" Mako explained quickly, leaving you speechless. Bolin nodded and yawned again.

"Wow, I-I don't know how to respond. I am really sorry for your parents" You said and frowned. You had very similar childhoods and many things in common.
You were kind of shocked with the fact that these guys used to be probenders. You hadn't seen a probending match, but you always imagined how exciting and entertaining it must've been.

Bolin thanked you, while Mako just nodded. The earthbender, made himself comfortable on the ground and somehow fell asleep fast.

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