Goodbye new and hello old one.

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"Good morning my love," I hear my boyfriend,Tommy whisper in my ear.

I shoot straight up, "Tommy, I'm leaving today."

"I know cutie," he sighs. "That's why I'm here to take you to the train station."

We ride to the train station in silence, all I can think about is going back to Tulsa and leaving behind my one good life I've had all my life. Am I making the right choice or should I stay? What if my brothers don't want me back in there life? What if they haven't forgiven me yet for leaving? What if they are still hurting from me leaving? What if I don't make it in Tulsa?

After what feels like days of panic attacks we arrive and he hands me my bags kissing me one last time and saying, "Basil Leaf Curtis, I love you."

I look at him and cry out, "Tommy James Horseman, I love you too."

"Whatever you do, don't start dating another guy and completely forget about me, let me have an impact on your life," he pleads.

"Tommy, that'll never happen, you turned my life around and taught me what, trust, love, loyalty, hope, faith and friendship means. I will never forget you," I sob.

"Well Basil, when you love someone set them free and I'm setting you free to live your life, hopefully filled with joy," he cries too.

"And I set you free to live your life, not because I want to but, because I love you," I reply.

"Please don't forget what love is, don't forget what I taught you, find love some where other than in me and be happy," he says smiling through his tears.

"And don't you let me ruin your life," I say hugging him.

"I promise," he says.

"And I promise you," I cry.

He wipes away my tears, "don't cry love. Everything will be okay."

"I'm just going to miss you so much," I say trying to get a hold of myself.

"I know but, your going home to meet your family once again, your brothers," he says. Then he hands me a small box whispering, "open it."

I slowly opened the box exposing a ring, it was promise rings but why. Why is giving this to me, I might never see him again? Didn't he just tell me to find love with somebody else? I looked at him baffled stuttering, "w-what is this f-f-for?" 

"It's a promise ring, promise you'll never forget me, promise you'll always remember me, that you'll move on but, never forget the love we share," he says crying.

"Oh Tommy,of course, I won't I love you so much," I respond also crying.

"Then go home Basil," he smiles through his sobs.

"Goodbye Tommy," I say kissing him for the last time.

"Goodbye Basil Leaf," he says ushering me onto the train. I sit down and watch as I leave my home and my boyfriend. I pull my knees up to my chest, cuff my face into my hands and silently sob. I know this is for the best but, I just left the guy I love most in the world. I'll never forget him, I'll never love again. He's the person who broke down my walls and exposed the true Basil Leaf Curtis and now he's gone along with everything else I've grown to love. I runaway from my problems but, for the first time in my life, I'm just running for no problem, not even a real reason, just running. I'm running back to the place that started my run that built my walls and where I took my first breathe of air. The only thing is even I don't get why. Why am I doing this to myself and to the people I love? I shouldn't of done this, I should of never gotten on this train. God why am I so stupid?

Home, sweet, home. Not! (Outsiders FF) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن