My first performance.

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I wake up the next morning Soda's arms no longer wrapped around me I slowly creep downstairs, but nobody's here, I let a loud sigh before I decide to go job hunting today. Boy I really need one. I quickly straighten my hair, before digging through my clothes finding a fancy blouse, black jeans, black wedges, with my golden locket that Tommy got me for our anniversary, then the charm bracelet that my parents gave to me for Christmas, and the promise ring Tommy gave me right before I left. I then did my make-up, blush, pink lipstick, mascara and some under eyeliner. I don't use much make-up, whenever I try it just came out horrible so, I just stick to the basics.

I spend the day wondering around Tulsa, hoping to find a job somewhere both west and east side. I finally come to some Angel Walk, it was on the east side of town where all the Socs live but, hey who cares. I walk in and nobody seemed to notice that I was a Grease, although I was dresses like a middle class person though. I walk into the office to see a tall, stocky guy with light brown almost blonde hair, and light blue-green eyes. He looks up at me and gestures for me to sit, I do as he says."H-hi I'm uh, Basil," I say stumbling over my words.

"I'm Robert," he says in a deep voice. I hold in a giggle really wanting this job but, his voice is just so funny.

"I'd like to apply for the singing job," I say with a smile.

"Can you sing?" He asks dully not making eye contact.

"You tell me, dow, ray, me, fa, so, la, ti, dow, ti, la, so, fa, me, ray, dow," I sang out with all my heart into this little words imagining that it was Tommy standing in front of me and me singing about how much I love him.

He looks up at me shocked and happily announces, "you got the job! Tonight at six you're singing."

"Thanks," I say walking out.

Before I walk out he commands, "before you leave, you gotta meet Sylvia, she's in the back room practicing."

I walk the back room to see a girl with jet black long curly hair, dark brown eyes, pale face, and bright red lipstick. I walk over to her saying, "you must be Sylvia."

"And you are?" She asks eyeing me up and down as if I was no good trash.

"Basil," I reply giving her a smile.

"You a Soc?" She asking looking at my outfit it was pretty fancy.

"Grease," I smile.

"Me too," she says changing her expression to a welcoming one.

"When does your practice end?" I ask her.

"When ever I want, so I say right now," she says grabbing me wrist and pulling me outside.

"Where are we going?" I ask with a giggle.

"Anywhere," she smiled back to me with another small giggle.

"My place?" I ask.

"Great, idea we can get ready for your first performance, I call front row seat," she says letting me lead. As we walked to my house we shared tons of giggles, smiles and stories. We finally get to the house and as we walked in her eyes wondered to Soda. She looks at me whispering, "you know Sodapop Curtis!"

"He's my twin," I whisper back and I swear she almost died of shock.

"Hey Basil, where you be-" he started but stopped as soon as he soon as he saw Sylvia. She looked at me mouthing 'oh my god, he's looking at me! I might die!' I hold back a giggle watching as Sodapop stares at her. Darry then walked into the room asking, "who's this?"

"My co-worker Sylvia, also my friend. By the way, I have my first performance tonight at six," I inform them.

"Where?" Steve asked.

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