Basil's coffention

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We walk into home from the Dingo in and eerie silence and as we walk inside to see the rest of the gang I take in a deep breathe. "Hey ya'll so I've been keeping a slight secret from ya'll and I'm ready to share it. Last year when I left for a year it wasn't because I had a job down there but, because I had stomach cancer. It got was gone after six months but, I had to stay the full year for treatment. They said I have a chance of getting it again but, I ignored it until today. The one symptom is, not being able to hold down a solid meal and that happened twice today. I have to go back to Jersey to get looked at but, this time ya'll can come," I tell them the one hundred percent truth.

"I'm coming, I'm not losing my twin again," Sodapop says standing up and grabbing my hand, we meet each others eyes, smiling.

"There is no way I'm loosing my girl, I just got her back today," Dally says following Soda's lead.

"Anybody else?" I ask looking at the rest of the gang. They all shook their heads no so I continued, "let's go pack guys."

We all headed out separate ways, Soda into his room, me into mine, and Dally to his house. I hope I don't have cancer again, that would suck! I mean I just got back, but at least this time I'll have my friends with me. "Hey," I hear faintly so I look up to see Two.

"Hey," I reply softly.

"Can we talk Basil?" He asks staring longingly into my eyes.

"Go ahead, I'll listen I just gotta pack," I reply.

"I love you but, I know I have to move on 'cause your in love with Dal. I just wanted to ask, can you just be my friend again Minnie before our mess up last night, we did date but, nobody was left broken hearten? I love you but, I see the pain you have in your life. I watch as you and Dal pick up each others broken pieces. It's nice.I would come with you but, it's not my place. I love you Basil and I hope you don't have cancer 'cause it would kill me to see Dally loose you. I think it would break the gang apart if you died. I hope your okay Basil," he tells me in a soft, sympathetic tone.

I look up at him with tears in my eyes and I run over to give him a hug as I squeal, "Mickey! We might not be dating but, you'll always be my best friend. I love you too and, I agree last night never happened."

"Well, Steve wants to talk to you now so bye Minnie see ya soon 'cause this is not goodbye it's see ya later," he smiles trying to hold back tears.

"See ya later Mickey mouse," I smile also trying to hold back tears.

As he walks out, Steve walks in crying. "Hey, Basil," he chokes out through sobs.

"Steve what wrong?" I ask rushing to his side.

"You know when we got that note that you were leaving it didn't have such an impact on my life. Then you tried to killed yourself and I released how much you meant to me. I'm in love with you. I need you more than the cake need chocolate or than Two-bits need Mickey and now you might die. The other day when we did it, everything was perfect the girl of my dreams and I were doing the thing that shows love but, you're in love with Dallas and you have cancer. Please don't leave me Basil, don't die on me," he sobs falling to the ground in tears.

I sit down next to him rubbing his back, "don't worry Steve I'll make it through. I did last time. Plus Basil Lead Curtis NEVER gives up."

"Okay, well there's kind of a line and Pony's next," he sighs as he gets up and leaves.

"Hey Bay," Pony cries as he walks in.

"C'mere Pone," I command and he does as I say.

"I can't loose ya like I did mom and dad. I just can't Basil. I love you so much and I don't know what I would do without you and now Soda's leaving with you. It'll just be Darry and I but, he doesn't like me none Bay. Please don't leave me not again," he cries into my chest. I can't help but, shed a few tears also.

"Pone, I ain't leaving anytime soon kid, you might have to deal without me for like a year or so but, I'll be back. I promise kid. I love ya to much to leave ya," I cry hugging him.

"Don't you start bawling to one bawl baby is enough in this family," he laughs.

"See ya Pone, 'cause I ain't saying goodbye. I'm coming back," I smile.

"See ya Basil Leaf," he smiles walking out of my room. Next is Darry.

"You okay kid?" He asks looking at me.

"I'm fine. I just don't know 'bout the rest of the gang. The question is, are you okay Darry," I say looking at him.

"No, I can't loose you like we did mom and dad. We're all we have left the four of us and we might loose a quarter of our family. That's a big part of our family Bay," he sighs looking at stomach.

"I know but, I'll pull through. I won't die, I promise. I won't leave ya Dar," I reply. I know I shouldn't be making promised like this but,I know I'll live I can feel it.

"Ok well bye Basil, I'll send in the last of us Johnnycakes," he says before walking out of my room. "Goodbye Basil, I love you.

"Wait Dar," I say.

"What?" He asks looking back tears forming in his eyes.

"Don't say goodbye, say see ya 'cause I ain't leaving. I'm not ready to leave and goodbye indicated that I'm leaving," I smile. "Oh yea and I love you too."

"See ya, Basil," he smiles back tears still forming in his eyes.

"See ya Darbear," I reply as he walks out. Just then Johnny walks in, "how ya feelin' Johnnycakes?"

"Fine you?" He asked we always have really calm conversations.

"I've been better, but, I've also been worse," I reply looking on the positive side of thing. I don't got cancer one hundred percent.

"So I ain't gonna lecture you like the others I just wanna be here with you in the moment," he replies as I pack. We sit in silence he has a checklist to help me remember my stuff. I'm kind of forgetful but, who cares. I went through a year's worth of clothing in there and as Johnny is about to leave I speak up, "Johnnycakes do me a favor."

"Anything," he replies.

"If I do die, make sure the gang stay together and nobody else dies over my death. Remind them that I'll be fine. Also give 'em this note. I'm putting it in my top note. I love ya Johnnycakes. Stay gold," is all I say.

"Ok, but ya won't die," he replies.

"I don't know most of the time the second time is worse than the first," I sigh.

"Don't talk like that Basil, you ain't dying any time soon I promise," he says hugging me.

"Bye Johnnycakes," I whisper into his ear, a tear escaping my eye.

"Bye Basil," he reply as he walks out. I walk over to my bed and plop onto it falling into a dreamless slumber.

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