A day, well almost a day with only my twin.

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We happily walk next to each other on the sidewalks of Tulsa. We walk in complete silence letting my mind wonder off about Dal when I hear Soda blurt out, "I've missed you so much Basil!"

"I've missed you too," I hug him.

"Wanna get carried to make it really like old times?" He smirked bending down a little so I can jump on his back.

"HELL YEA!" I shout as I jump up onto his back. It really feels like old times now. I lay on his back all the way to the Dingo. We sit down at a small booth perfect for two, we talked about everything and anything. I can't believe the Sodapop Curtis, hasn't dated anybody it's insane. He could get any girl he wants so why none. Although I gotta say it was so nice telling him everything about Tommy. He hugged me tight when I told him about the promise ring showing it to him. I guess he could tell I was still kind of heart broken about it. We break the conversation as a girl with sandy blondish, red hair comes over to table saying, "hi, my name is Sandy and I'm your waitress. May I take your order?" She doesn't look up while saying that until Soda clears his voice. As their eyes met, sparks flew, I could it in both of their faces love at first sight. "Uh t-t-two m-m-milkshakes and t-two b-b-burgers p-p-please," he stutter over his words.

"Okay, that'll be right out," she says staring at Soda with dreamy eyes.

"She's so pretty," he sighs. "Can you help me please?"

"Fine," I say with attitude. This is supposed to our day not our day plus our waitress. Ugh! This is typical Soda, ditching me for somebody else, he's done this the last four times. I walk into the back to see Sandy, "Hey Sandy, my brother Sodapop, he likes you so, tomorrow can you stop by the D-" she cuts me off there running out of the kitchen screaming. I walk back to the table to see Soda's arms locked around her waist and their lips touching making it a full blown make-out. As she pulls away she breathlessly says, "my shift is over, you were my last table I can check out."

He looks at me with pleading eyes, "can you check her out?"

"Fine," I sigh grabbing her card and checking her out. Great, not a twins only day anymore! God sometimes I hate Soda! I sit back down, Soda and Sandy still lip locking. Soon our food comes out but, Soda doesn't eat unlike me. He sits there talking to Sandy ignoring me. "Soda. Hello earth to Soda. Remember me your twin, the one your suppose to spend the day with? I'm running away again Soda." I stop there waiting for an answer but, nope nothing so I go on now angry to say, "gee Soda now I see how much you care about me. All you care about is sticking your tongue down our waitress' throat. I'm outta here, bye Soda." I get up walking out of the Dingo seeing Soda didn't even look up. I sit outside the dingo digging through my old purse when I come across cocaine, I sigh remembering what Soda told me, I walk over to the trash can to throw it when I hear Soda yelling from behind me, "Basil, what the fuck are you doing? Are you fucking on that again?"

"God! No Sodapop, I found this purse and it was in it so I was going to throw it out. Anyway why do you care, all you seem to care about is our waitress!" I yell angrily.

"Let me get you drug tested and leave Sandy out of this!" He yells back.

"Well, if you don't believe me maybe I should just leave again because, I see how much you care about me and how much you believe. FUCK OFF SODAPOP FUCKING CURTIS! I DON'T EVEN GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU OR ANYTHING YOU HAVE TO SAY!" I scream loudly and full of hurt. I look into Soda's eyes to see them filling with hurt and tears.

"Basi-" he starts but, it's to late I run to the only place I can think of Dally's place. I run through Buck's house upstairs into Dal's room. He looks at the tears streaming down my face and pulls me close asking, "who did this to you?"

"Sodapop, he thinks I'm on drugs again," I sob into Dal's chest.

"Sh, it's okay, I'm sure he was just mad, you're safe now, you're with me," he comforts showing me his soft side.

"Dal, I said some mean things too though," I say sadly my eyes filling with tears once again.

"I got you, remember how I said I'll never let you hit the ground?" He asked.

"Mhmm," I mumble.

"Well, I got you right now and I'm not going to let you hit the ground, I like you a lot," he says caressing my hair.

"Dal, can I sleep here tonight, I don't wanna go home and have to deal with Soda?" I ask.

"Sure, let's just go get you're things," he replies.

"Why? Just hand me one of you're shirts and I'll change back into this for dinner," I say.

"If that's what you want," he said throwing me one of his shirts. I walk into the bathroom to take a nice long shower. I can't believe Soda ditched me. That's not even what hurt, it's that he though I was on drugs again. How can he be so heartless? I don't even give a shit about him. I hate Sodapop Curtis, I hate my twin. I walk out of the shower with only one thing on my mind Soda until, I see the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and Dallas standing right under it.

Home, sweet, home. Not! (Outsiders FF) Where stories live. Discover now