Home again!

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I got off the train and looked around the familiar settings. I'm back in Tulsa about to see Dally, Darry, Soda, and Pone. They have no idea, I ever even had cancer all they know is that I went a way. Dally is probably dating some new girl cheating on me, I just know it's going to be bad when I see him and I can't imagine what's going to happen.

I walk down the streets of Tulsa until, I get to my house and hesitantly walk into the house to see the whole gang there.I look over to see Dally, his hands are in his pockets and he's looking down. "Hey Dal?" I say in a question form.

"I can't talk right now," he says storming out of the house.

"I-I-I-I gotta go to sleep," I stutter tears falling freely from my eyes. I knew he was cheating. I lay on my bed and ask the same question over and over again. Why? I wish I knew why he left me for somebody. I'm going to go ask him. I walk downstairs and storm right to his house. I see the key under the mat and slowly, quietly open the door to see the worst sight ever. I watch as my "boyfriend" has sex with my "best friend" I cover my mouth the way I did when I found out I had cancer and slowly back out of his house, closing the door. I slide down the other side of my door and cry about what I just saw. I new he was still doing it but, it still hurts. I then walk to my old job and plead for it back my eyes were still puffy but, Robert kniws me so he said yes. I've got a concert tomorrow.

I walk to my house tears messing up my make-up as I walk through the door I call the only person I can think of, Doc."Hello?" He asks.

"Oh doc!" I sob into the phone

"Bay, what's wrong?" He asks concerned.

"Dallas Winston is a cheater!" I sob loudly.

"Oh Bay, I'm so sorry," he says.

"I know daddy, I love you and I wish you lived with me 'cause I need my daddy now," I sob this is the first time I called dad.

"I love you too Bay, and I know baby girl. Daddy wishes he could be there too," he says trying to comfort me.

"I gotta go bye dad," I sigh still sobbing.

"Bye Bay," he sighs before hanging up. I lay on my bed crying when I hear a faint knock. "Come in," I sniffle.

The door swings open to expose Sylvia, "hey girl I've missed you!"

"Yea, I've missed you too," I say faking being happy.

"I uh have to tell you something," she says. oh What's that you're dating my boyfriend? BITCH!

"What is it?" I ask.

"I uh wanted to tell you I quite the singing job to work at the DX," she informs me. I'm sure that's all she has to tell me.

"Is that it?" I growl.

"Yup, gotta go bye," she say.

"Wait," I yell.

"What?" She asks.

"Have you seen Dally today?" I ask her knowing the truth.

"Nope," she lies.

Home, sweet, home. Not! (Outsiders FF) Where stories live. Discover now