The last day

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I wake up to Dally, I smile kissing him on the lips and whispering, "I love you Dallas Winston."

"I love you too Basil Leaf Curtis," he says still kissing my lips. God it feels so nice. He then breaks away and says "I got something for you."

"What?" I ask pulling him into a hug.

He pulls out a box that says, "I promise." He opens it exposing a beautiful gold, necklace with an emerald stud on the chain. "Promise, you'll come back for me. Promise you'll always love me."

"I promise Dally," I cry.

"Don't cry baby girl, I'll see you again," he says hugging me.

"I gotta go in two hours," I sigh walking downstairs to say my goodbyes.

"Morning kiddo," Darry smiles.

"I just came to say my goodbyes. Steve, make sure Soda is okay when I leave. I don't really got much to say to you though." The rest I cry through, "Pone. stay gold little brother. I love you so much and I just back and I'm leaving you. I'm so sorry. I wish I could stay here forever in a perfect life I could but, I can't. Sodapop, you're my super twin, my other half, the best twin ever, my best friend and my everything. I love you to death and we will see each other again. I promise. I'm going to miss you so much twinie. Darry, you're literally my dad. I love you like one and you act like one. I know we had a dad and all but you're mine. You'll be the one to keep me sane when I'm gone the thought of you will. Dally, I love you my perfect boyfriend. I love you with all my heart and we'll talk all the time. I'm in love with a bad boy names Dallas Winston and I couldn't be happier. Two, you're my Mickey even though we're not dating you'll always be my Mickey. I love you like a brother and I don't know what I'd do without you. Stay joking. Never change Mickey never! Lastly Johnny, stay gold Johnnycakes. I'll come back someday and when I do we'll have a day to just the two of us. I love you so much and you'll practically my little brother. You keep this gang together you're our glue Johnnycakes and I love you for it. Thanks for everything I gotta pack.

I run upstairs crying throwing all my clothes into a bag by the time I finish it's time to leave. "Goodbye," I say as I hug everybody,

I hear them yell, "Goodbye Basil!" I hop on the train waving goodbye to Tulsa holding my promise necklace off to the hospital to save myself. This is so weird.


"Ma'me we're in Long Beach Island," a man says shaking me.

"Oh, thanks," I say hoping off the train looking for Tommy. I called him and asked him to pick me.

Out of nowhere I hear, "Oh my god Basil, is that you?"

"Tommy! Yes it is me," I yell hugging him tightly.

"You're so skinny," he says wrapping his arms around my whole stomach.

"I know, I have cancer," I whisper.

"What?" He asks.

"Yea can you take me to the hospital?" I ask hopefully.

"Of course, let's go," he says.

"So are you dating anybody?" I ask.

"No, are you?" He smiles slightly at his answer.

"Actually yes, his name is Dallas Winston. He grew up in New York moved to Tulsa and we're going to talk when I'm in the hospital. He's my brothers friend and I love him remember Mickey my ex and puppy love? Well he's one of his friends and god is he perfect. He gave me this necklace before I left. He's all tough and stuff but, when I'm around he's nice and soft and caring. I'm in love Tommy," I gush until we pull into the hospital. I look at Tommy and say, "thanks. I'll be fine from here. I love you but, not like a boyfriend. I'm sorry."

"Bye, Basil I love you too but, like a girlfriend. It's ok," he frowns as I walk off.

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