The Notes

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I walk to my old house, packing up my whole room minus a note for each gang member, and a pile of photos of Soda and I when we were kids. I smile at the memories but, know they're gone and way to hard to look back.

Soda's P.O.V.

"Basil! Basil I'm so sorry! Basil I love you! Please don't be like this Basil! I'm so sorry!" I yell running through the house. I knock on her door lightly saying, "hey Basil, I'm so sorry about our fight. The truth is I'm not worried about you because, I know you're not doing anything bad, you're to strong for that. I'm sorry of accusing you, I was mad at you. Please, I don't hate you, I love you." There's no answer so I walk into the room to see everything packed up minus some pictures of us and a pile of paper. I sit on her bed silently crying to my hand, when I pick up the pictures. There's one when we're ten, this is right before our parents died. She's sitting on my lap giving Darry the finger while I'm laughing my butt of. It kind of describes us, she's always serious, hurting, sad, troubled while I'm always silly, happy, drunk off life. It shows how different we are but, how close we. Then there's one where we're thirteen she's on my back laughing while I'm gasping for air after running miles with her on my back because she didn't want to. I love my twin but, it doesn't matter she's gone. I rummage through the paper until I get to the last one it reads, "Hey Soda, man I wish we had our twin day but, you ruined it. I used to be so thankful you were my twin, I honestly don't know anymore. I know you don't care what I have to say because, we hate each other but, I have to tell you that I haven't done drugs since the day I left this house. That's a promise. Bye Sodapop -Basil leaf Curtis." Did I chase her away? I can't believe she's gone and she thinks we hate each other. Well I don't hate her with this note, I just don't know anymore. Oh my god she hates me!

Dally's P.O.V.

My note doesn't say much, most likely because, she's living with me now. She's not gone, she wouldn't leave me. Well all mine says is, "Dal, I like you A LOT. Hello Dal. -Basil leaf Curtis." I like her A LOT too. Is that our way of saying we love each? Man, she's making me soft. I'm going to keep this note. It's so cute and we're kind of telling each other we love each other.

Darry's P.O.V.

She's gone and all I have left of her is a note that reads, "thanks Darry! You were always a dad to me even when ours were here, you've kept me on my feet and showed me nasty parts of life that I should've stayed away for you yet, I still let you down and I'm sorry. I have to tell you I'm not even supposed to be here. I was getting shipped off to a new girls home in Tulsa so I took the opportunity to come find you guys. I guess I shouldn't of because, well I ended up like this. I'm not staying in another girls home though. I might go back to Jersey, I miss it there. I'm not a country girl, I'm a surfer chick. I love you Darry. I only left because, somebody in the gang hates me and I hate them. Well take care Darbear, goodbye -Basil Leaf Curtis." Goodbye, like for good? What no? She can't just leave. I look up at the gang, to see poor Pony crying and Soda on the verge of a mental break down.

Johnny P.O.V.

"Hey Johnnycakes, I love you like my own kid brother. You may not know it but, you're golden just like Ponyboy. Stay that way, also please take care of Pony for me. Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid about me leaving. I'm sure I'll be back one day, it's just Soda and I got into a fight and I don't know, I run when things get rough, I don't like staying in one place for a long time minus the Jersey shore. It's perfect, my perfect utopia. I love it there, my life is there not here and I gotta go back home especially after this fight. I'm sorry for leaving you kid. I love you Johnnycakes, I really do. I'm going to miss you so much. Take care, Johnnycakes, take care. -Basil Leaf Curtis." Oh my god, she's gone because of her own twin. I wonder if she put hints in everybody's letter. We should all read our letters and piece them together. See where she's going.

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