Oh Dal!

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I walk out to see a bulletin board with a time line on it, the day I meet Basil leaf Curtis, the day Basil Leaf Curtis told me off, the day I fell in love with Basil Leaf Curtis, the day I told Basil Leaf Curtis how I felt about her, the day Basil Leaf Curtis told me to work harder, the day I worked as hard as I can work for Basil Leaf Curtis, and the day Basil Leaf Curtis told me she was falling for me a little, they all had the date it happened underneath it. I scan the room until my eyes met Dal's. "Basil Leaf Curtis, I've loved you since I met you and I can't take it any more. So, on that note, will you Basil Leaf Curtis be my girl?" He asked on one knee holding out a box with his ring in it.

"Oh Dal!" I screeches jumping into his arms.

"Is that a yes?" He asks taking his ring off his finger, ready to put it on my ring finger.

"HELL YEA!" I yelled pecking his cheek with a slight kiss.

"This is the best day of my life," he smiles slipping the ring onto my finger.

"Let's just not tell the gang, they would make fun of us and all that kind of stuff," I plead.

"Whatever works for you, works for me," he smiles.

"Let's go to sleep," I yawn crawling into bed.

"Goodnight, beautiful," he replies wrapping his arms around my waste.

"Goodnight," I replh drifting to sleep. Let's see today, I found out Sodapop and I aren't that close anymore but, Dal asked me out because of it. I know I should be happy but, I'm not, I mean Soda used to be my best friend and now I can't stand him, the mere thought of him makes me sick to my stomach. I got to stop thinking about Soda and go to sleep, we don't like each other anyways.

"I HATE YOU SODAPOP CURTIS I HATE YOU!" I cry looking at my twin with anger.

"WELL YOU SHOULDN'T BE BACK ON THAT STUFF!" He fires back sending a wave of hurt through my body.


"You're dating Dal?" He asks not screaming anymore.

"Yup," I smirk knowing he hates the fact that I'm dating him.

I look at the anger building up behind his eyes before he snaps, "WELL YOU TWO TROUBLE MAKERS WHO TOTALLY DESERVE EACH OTHER! GO BACK TO JERSEY SEE HOW MUCH I CARE!"

"Fine, I was better off there before. FUCK OFF SODAPOP CURTIS! I DON'T GIVE TWO SHITS ABOUT YOU OR WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY!" I yell with tears building behind my eyes, I soon take off  for a dead sprint with tears steaming down my face.

"Ba-" I hear Soda yell but, I don't turn back, I just kept running to god knows where. I was brought to an ally where I saw Bob the Soc. He walked up to me slurring, "poor Basil and Soda are no longer close."

"What do you want?" I hissed.

"I want you," he mumbles slamming me against the wall. I try to resist until I feel somebody kicking me, and when I look up I see Soda, helping Bob. Does he really hate me that much, enough to hurt me more than anything? Slowly Bob unbuttons my shirt as Soda laughs evilly as I cried for help.

I wake up shooting straight up screaming as, I look up at the time 7:00. After about three minutes Dal wakes up, " babe, it's ok, what happened?"

"It was a bad dream about....about....about," I say trying to spit it.

"About what, who?" He asks hugging me.

"About Soda," I sigh.

"You two need to talk," he informs me.

"I know but, I don't want to talk to him, he's probably going to yell at me. I swear if I didn't have you I'd be on a bus to the Jersey shore right now but, I like you a lot Dal and I can't leave you with those idiots," I smile at the end.

"I like you a lot too," is all he says. I guess we say "I like you a lot," instead of I love you. Awe that's cute, we have a couple thing!

"Well, I guess we should go to the DX then, I also have to get food and I am not ready to go home just yet," I sigh.

"Ok, get ready how ever girls get ready way longer than guys and I'll go throw on some clothing," he says walking off to god knows where. I walk into the bathroom changing back into the clothes that I was wearing yesterday, I let my wavy hair fall naturally, and I don't have any makeup here, so I guess no makeup today. I walk out to see Dal, walking in. "Wow babe, we got ready at the same time," he winks. I smile as we walk off hand in hand to the DX. When we get there I see none other than Sandy, I look to Dally with fear in my eyes as he says, "calm down, it's ok, you're ok."

"I know but, that's the girl he ditched me for," I whine.

"Babe, go talk to him, I'll be with Steve, I promise if anything happens I'll never make you come back and talk to him ever again," he whispers as he pulls me into a warm hug.

We break out of the hug, and go our separate ways. I slowly pull the door open, making it ding, to see Soda and Sandy are kissing as I clear my voice.

Soda looks up to me standing here with a blank look on my face, I hope I don't look high because I'm not! "B-B-B-B-Basil," he stutters.

"Yep, " I reply bitterly

"Are,you high? Were you getting high? Is that why you didn't come home yesterday? Is it more than cocaine? Are you drinking again?" He bombards me with questions.

"You truly are an asshole," I shake my head in disappointment.

"No, I'm worried," he replies not meeting my eyes.

"No, you're not, well not about me you're not," I say with hurt in my eyes

"What do you mean?" He asks angrily.

"Look in my eyes and tell me you're worried about ME," I reply.

He looks into my eyes as he says between giggles, "I'm worried about you." I can tell he's lying because he's laughing. He always laughs when he lies.

I look at him as I smile ashamed, "you're lying Sodapop."

"Nope," he argues.

I look at him holding back tears as I yell slowly," I. HATE. YOU. SODAPOP. FUCKING. CURTIS."

"I. HATE. YOU. TOO. BASIL. FUCKING. CURTIS," he yells back with anger and hurt in his tone.

"Then I guess we hate each other," I croak, holding back tears.

"I guess we do," he whispers.

"Goodbye Sodapop," I say walking out.

Before the door shuts I hear, "goodbye Basil."

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