Nine Months in Jersey

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One month mark

"I wonder who the baby daddy is," Soda ponders again. I swear he says this at least ten times a day. I mean it was one day and three boys which was stupid, but I knew everybody and was dating one.

"Soda, it's either Dally or Steve," I sigh answering it for the hundredths time.

"Babe, when your next appoint?" Dally asks. He also always asks this question, it's annoying! I can't stand it.

"One months from now," I say in an irritated tone.

"Your starting to show," Soda says pointing to my stomach.

For the first time in this conversation, I smile happily, "I know, I wonder if it's a girl or a boy. I think for a girl, we should name her Kendall."

"I like that name," Dally smiles back looking at my stomach.

"I love it. I also like the name Chloe, Courtney, Daisy, or a traditional Curtis name, Ginger Snap," I add.

"I like Kendall, and Ginger Snap," Soda says.

"I like Kendall, and Chloe," Dally smirks.

"Ok, so it's between Kendall and Chloe. What about for a boy?" I ask my smile growing. "I like, Kendall still."

"Same, so no matter what the name is going to be Kendall," Dally concludes.

"So his/her name is Kendall," I smile rubbing my stomach.

Two month Mark.

I lay awake rubbing my stomach, I love Kendall even though I don't even know the gender. We have to wait another two months. It's driving me crazy, not knowing what to buy for it, considering we're not going to have a baby shower considering the gang isn't here. I can't body board at this point, it could hurt Kendall and we wouldn't want that to happen. I rub my belly a lot and I'm so happy it's going to be born in Jersey but, I miss the gang so much. I miss Pone the most, than Mickey. I know I broke his heart and all but, he knows I didn't mean to at least I think he knows. I don't know. I feel like this is the first time in my life everything is perfect.

Three Month Mark.

"Basil let's go!" Dally yells.

"One second, my clothes don't fit me right," I scream downstairs.

"They haven't fit you right for the past few weeks, you need the pregnant sizes," Dally screams upstairs.

"I know but, still," I sigh.

"Just throw on the dress Soda got you, it's a bigger size and should fit around your bump," Dally commands. I do as he says then walk slowly down stairs with Sodapop supporting me. I don't know why he's already supporting me, I don't need it yet.

"Let's go," I smile. We go to the hospital in a silent anxious drive. I was the first one out of the car and into the hospital room. It's sad, I'm the pregnant one and I'm still faster than the other two when I'm excited. We sit in the hospital chairs Dally squeezing my hand until we hear the words we've been waiting for, "Basil Leaf Curtis."

We all stood up, "that's us." We walk into this small room that has three folding chairs, a bed, this weird machine, a little table with weird things on it, and a wheelie chair. I lay down on the hospital bed as Soda and Dally take their seats. This cold blue jelly on my tummy, then a machine on, that's when I heard the most beautiful sound ever.Thump. Thump. Thump. There's the little heart beats. I looked up at the image to see a gorgons baby, with no gender that's inside of me. It's absolutely breathe taking.

"The pregnancy is doing great, your next appointment will be in two months and there you'll find out the gender and start having to come once a week," the nurse informed us as she usheres us out of the small room.

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