July 4th 11:54 and July 5th 12:01

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"So, when do you think you're going to pop?" Steve asks looking at my stomach.

"I don't know Stevie," I giggle.

"Do you think it'll be soon?" Pony asks.

"Most likely, the kicking has gotten worst," I say rubbing my stomach.

"Does it hurt?" Johnny asks in barely a whisper.

"Yea, but in a good way, one of them is kicking right now, sorry both," I say laughing a little even though it hurts.

"That sucks," Soda adds.

"When will Dar-"

"OH MY GOD! BASIL PEED HERSELF!" Two says bursting out laughing a long with the rest of the gang. I look down at the couch to see a huge wet spot. The only thing is I don't think I peed.

Just then I get the worst pain ever falling on my knees in pain, clutching my stomach yelping, "OH MY GOD! OUCH! OW! OW! HELP! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OUCH! OH MY GOD! PLEASE HELP ME! OUCH!" Pony, Dally and Johnny rush over to me as I scream out in pain.

"Are you okay?" Pony asks picking me up from the.

"Oh my god, no. I'm in so much pain," I yelp out tears rolling down my cheeks as the gang rushes over to help me.The ride to the hospital was terrible and that's when I release, I'm in labor. I can't help but, scream out, "guys where Darry? I think I'm in labor!"

"We're in labor?" Dally asks. I nod in a response. That's when the car picks up speed as I breathe in and out trying to calm myself down.

We arrive at the hospital and everybody minus Dally rushes in, in a huge commotion. They're all freaking out. I think it's kind of funny! Especially Dally who's trying to calm down but, panicking more than I am. I chuckle to myself as Dally mumbles trying to calm me down and I hear the boys screaming about how I'm in labor. I'm the one in pain shouldn't I be the one freaking out and not the people who are with me. I love these boys but,I swear. Then I see a wheel chair being brought to the car with the gang close behind it minus Pone who is here opening the door so I can sit. I swear I have the best brother ever! I love him so much. Now all I need is Darry to be here. I get wheeled into the hospital and brought onto the bed where they first do an ultra sound to make sure everything was okay and thank god it was. Two heartbeats, two babies, two girls. The doctors start checking everything and writing things down. I gotta say, I'm all alone and I'm freaking out. "5 centimeter dilated!" Somebody calls out.

"Twins doing okay, nothing bad detected!" Another shouts.

"She's moving fast! Now it's six centimeters dilated!" Somebody else shouts.

"Scheduled delivery for 11:45!" I hear a nurse scream. I look at them woozily.

"Get the IV she ain't looking to good!" One yells than everything goes black.

I wake up slowly to see the whole gang including Darry sitting there, "what time is it?"

"11:30," Darry answers.

"How ya doin'" Steve asks.

"I feel tired and the contractions are KILLING me," I mumble still a little woozy. I look to see the IV firmly in my arm. I cringe at the sight of it, I am terrified of needles and everybody knows it.

"How was your nap?" Pone asks trying to make conversation.

"Okay, I guess," I sigh.

"Babe, you're going to be okay," Dally says rubbing the back of my hand with small circles, attempting to calm me down.

"I know I'm just tired," I say closing my eyes then slowly opening them.

"You look it," Darry said obviously concerned.

"Yea, but I'm fine," I say as I get a sharp pain in my stomach. I press the small red button next to my bed signalling the nurses to come in.

A few seconds later a few nurses came in and one asks, "was this the room who rung the red button?"

"Yes, indeed," I smile the pain growing worse.

"What do you need sweetie?" The one nurse asks.

"Doctor Smith, please," I request.

"Okay," they say walking out of the room casually,

A second after the nurse left doc came running into the room, "baby girl, what wrong? Are you okay?"

"Yea, it's just I keep on getting this sharp pain in my stomach and it's growing worse by the second," I inform him clutching my stomach

"Let me check how dilated you are, you might be ready," he smiles as he peeks under the blanket and yells, "the babies are coming! Hit the red button baby girl!" I do as he says and nurses rush in ushering the guys out of the small room including Dally. That's just wrong! "PUSH!" Somebody yells. I do as she says screaming out in pain. We repeat this cycle about fifteen times before one pops out being caught by Doc.I continue to push out the other baby as they cut the umbilical cord running off to the nursery. The next one comes out a little bit harder, it got stuck and it was hard. The same process happens with that the cutting of the umbilical cord was cut then they rushed her off.

"Hey Bay, how ya doin'?" Steve asks seeing, I'm out of breathe sweating and my eyes are closed.

"I think my V was just ripped out painfully and gonna have to be stitched back on, I am in so much fucking pain!" I yell not opening my eyes.

"I'm guessing not good," Pone adds.

"I'm going to sleep, wake me when my kids come in," I say and the gang falls silent.

"Sweetie, Kendall and Chloe are here," Dally says shaking me slightly.

I open my eyes to see the two most beautiful girls in the whole wide word and their birth certificate. One reads 10 ounces. 7 inches 11:54 July 4th and the other reads 15 ounces 9 inches July 5th 12:01. On the smaller one I write Chloe Rose Winston and on the bigger one I write Kendall Marie Winston. I love them already.

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