The end results.

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I look at Soda and Dal waving my hand, as I get wheeled out of the room. I get put into the testing room, where I get poked, prodded, and I even get blood work done. It doesn't take long before I'm done only like a half an hour before doc comes in saying, "hey sweetie, it's time to go back into your room."

"Ok, that's good," I smile weakly.

"You in a lot of pain" He asks seeing the way I am.

"Yea, but I'm fine, let's just get me to the room so I can see my family and go to sleep," I say still smiling a little.

"Then what are we waiting for?" He laughs wheeling me out of the testing room.

"Thanks," I say sleepily that's when everything goes black.

Dal's P.O.V.

"What is going to happen if she has cancer again?" I ask Soda tears in my eyes.

"We help her fight through it, because she will make it through," he replies trying to calm me down but, I can tell he's also nervous. We sit it there is silence, not the comfortable kind, or the awkward kind but, the grieving kind. I know we haven't lost her but, just knowing we might hurts me enough. That's when the doors swing open and we see a passed out Basil come wheeling in. "Is she okay?" Soda asks the doctor tears streaming down his face.

"Yea, she's fine just, a little tired from the testing, it takes a lot out of you," he replies with a smile.

"Oh. okay that's good. Do we know when she'll be up?" I ask.

"No, but she'll probably be up in a little bit, she was just really tired but, she wanted to see you guys before she fell asleep, it just didn't happen that way," he informs us laughing. "She's one tough girl."

"Awe, she's so sweet," Soda chimes in.

"Well, I should go, get the results call me when she wakes up so I can tell you guys," he says. It's weird he doesn't say ya'll but, whatever. Are all people from Jersey like this.

***Basil's P.O.V.***

A few hours later my eyes flutter open to see a sleeping Sodapop but, not Dally. "Hey Dally," I yawn.

"You're up," he smiles.

"Yea," I smile back.

"We gotta go get the doctor and wake up Soda," he yells jumping out of his own chair.

"WAKE UP SODAPOP CURTIS!" I scream as Dally leaves. He wakes up jumping about five feet it the air making me chuckle.

"Oh hey Bay," he smiles sleepily.

That's when the doctor comes in, "okay. I got good news."

"So, I don't have cancer?" I ask with hope over taking.

"No, but, you are pregnant," he smiles.

I look over at Dally thinking it could be his but, it could also be Steve's or Two-bits. Then I look back at the doctor and mutter, "oh my god!"

"Is it Dally's?" The doctor asks.

"It could be but, we had this one break-up and it wasn't good," I sigh, tears making rivers down my cheeks by now.

"Who's else could it be?" Sodapop asks looking at my stomach.

"Two-bit's, or Steve's but, it could be Dally's," I say praying it's Dally's.

"Well, what now?" I ask doc.

"You're released, I'll be your doctor for the baby, you have to stay here until the baby's born, body boarding is safe but, boogie boarding and surfing you can't do. If I was you I'd get a DNA sample for the test results, to see who the dad is," he talks me through all the things.

"Where should we stay guys?" I ask them.

"I don't know your from here not us," Soda laughs.

"Ok, then we'll stay in this little house, up the road from my old beach, it's a private beach but, they know me so, I'll get in,"I smile.

"Ok, let's pack up and go," they smile.

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