Ex meet boyfriend. Ex meet girlfriend.

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Dal, Soda, and I step off the train and I hear a familiar voice yelling, "is that Basil Curtis, the Basil Leaf Curtis?"

I turn around to see Tommy joking around and I can't help but squeal running into his arms, "Tommy!"

"I've missed you," he whispers quietly into my ear.

"I've missed you too Tommy. I love you," I reply also in a hush whisper. I just don't want Dal to get jealous, I'm not in with Tommy or anything.

"I love you too," he whispers back.

"Oh Tommy!" I squeal finally breaking the hug.

"Oh what?" He says mimicking me.

"Meet my boyfriend and brother," I say as we walk over to Soda and Dally.

"Oh so which is the famous Dallas?" He asked looking at Soda.

"Ewe, no that's my brother, this is Dally," I say pointing to well Dally.

"Well, I want you to meet Chloe my girlfriend," he says pointing to a size two. bleach blonde, blue-eyed little beach bum.

"Well ex meet boyfriend," I sigh making a weird face.

"And ex meet girlfriend," he said mimicking the face I made.

"We should just go to the hospital," I suggest.

"I'd have to agree," he agreea and with that we walked into his gold mustang. I looked back at Soda and Dal who were both in awe. It was brand new, he told me about it but, I got to say it sure is tough. "You like?" He asks.

"No, I love," I reply in awe staring at the shiny mustang.

"Well don't just stand there get in," Tommy laughs.

"Okay, Okay geesh," I reply getting into the car next to Tommy in the front seat.

"What you in for this time?" He lookz at me.

"Cancer might be back, getting it checked out," I shrug.

"Same doctor?" He questions.

"Yea, I already asked doc, he said yes," I reply calmly

"What type of cancer?" He interrogates.

"Same kind," I frown.

"You worried?" He asks because he clearly is.

"Nope. You?" I ask even though I already know the answer.

"A little you're my best friend. Are you gonna die?" He says a little calmer.

"Nah," I smile.

"What's next?" He asked.

"Another year in the hospital," I say shedding a tear.

"These two spending the next year with ya?" He asks nodding to Dal and Soda.

"Yup," I smile.

"Well, we're here. Bye Bay," he says as I get out of the car.

"See ya 'round Tommy," I smile walking over to Dal and kissing him. "You two ready?"

"Yea," Soda and Dal nod in agreement.

"How long did you and Tommy date?" Soda asked.

"About two years, he taught me so much and is the reason I'm not dead somewhere," I inform them. It's true, when he met me I was suicidal.

"You two are awfully close," Dally huffs.

"I know Dal, but he did save my life and we've moved on. He's just another Two-bit an ex that is just a friend," I say kissing him.

"Well you and all your exes are close," he sighs.

"I know but, I'm only in love with one," I flirt.

"I love you baby girl," he smiles.

"I love you too Dally," I frown as we walk into the to familiar room.

"Hey Kiddo," doc says as he walks in.

"Hey dad," I sigh.

"What's wrong Bay?" He asks.

"I-I-I might have cancer again," I sob into his shoulder.

"Sh, baby girl it's ok I got you," he soothes.

"What would I do without you doc?" I ask wiping the tears away.

"I don't know love," he smiles hugging me.

"I gotta introduce you to two people," I smile walking him over to Dal and Soda.

"Let me guess that one's your boyfriend," he guesses nodding to Dally.

"Yea," I smile.

"So your the famous Dallas, let me tell ya somethin'," he says.

"What?" He asks acting all tough and stuff.

"If you hurt my daughter again you're dead," he threatens.

"Don't worry, I won't," he says showing his soft side for once.

"Can we hook me up and run the tests?" I ask.

"Yea," he smiles.

Home, sweet, home. Not! (Outsiders FF) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora