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Why do you always have to be right?

(Y/N's POV)

(AN: smut warning (kind of. It's not graphic))

I could hardly tell that I got the door to the hotel room closed until I heard it shut behind Alec and I.

I broke away from his lips momentarily to kick off my shoes.

Like a moth drawn to a flame he trailed his lips down my jaw, since my lips were out of his reach.

As soon as my heels were scattered on the floor, I lifted my head towards his again.

He grabbed my left leg and pulled it up around him, his hand grabbing the skin on my thigh that my dress left exposed.

Alec pushed me against the wall, which I wasn't expecting, I gasped.

I broke apart from our kiss to say, "...that was rather bold of you, Benjamin." My voice was low, and our noses were still touching as I said it.

"You haven't seen anything yet." Alec replied, even quieter. He grabbed my other leg and pulled me off the ground.

I got comfortable with my back against the wall, my legs around his waist, my hands in his hair. I sank into the feeling of passion, of bliss, ecstasy.

My skin was on fire. My whole body felt like a single, constant inferno.

I didn't ever want it to stop.

One of my legs slipped slowly. Alec didn't bother to catch it. He laced his fingers with mine in my left hand, as his lips traveled down my neck slowly. I put my right hand in his hair.

He slid his free hand around my back, playing with the zipper.

His lips trailed back up to my ear, and he spoke in a lustful whisper that sent shivers down every nerve in my body.

"May I?"

I nodded profusely. It was almost pathetic.

He unzipped my dress, and helped me get it off. I watched his eyes trail down my body and back up to my eyes.

"It's not anything you haven't seen before." I said to him.

"It doesn't matter, you're breathtaking."

He put a hand on my bare waist. "Plus," he snaked his hand around my back, pulling me into him. "Now I finally get to feel you."

He put his lips to mine yet again and gently laid on top of me on the bed.

I tugged at the bottom of his shirt, feeling the passion in me rise even more.

He broke away and quickly pulled it over his head. I ran my hand against his chest in response.

I flipped him over so I was on top, and I made eye contact for a second before I kissed him again. I felt his hand on the small of my back trail upwards towards my bra clasp.

"C-can I?" He asked, his innocent voice coming out.

I nodded, a genuine smile appeared on my face. "Yes."

I felt him move both of his hands to the back of my bra. He tugged at both ends, which didn't work.

He broke away from the kiss. "...sorry, I-" he put his mouth against my shoulder to try to see better. I tried to ignore the way it made my heart skip a beat.

"Here, Alec I can-"

"I got it." He said, though not too confidently.

Luckily, about five seconds later, he successfully unclasped my bra.

Must Have Been the Wind (Alec Benjamin X reader) Where stories live. Discover now