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(Y/N's POV)

*Three years later*

"Alec, you're worse at this than I am." I stated, ducking beneath a branch in our path.

He huffed, putting his hands on his hips and glaring at me. "Debatable." He shot back, following closely behind me. "At least I didn't almost fall down the mountain."

"At least I didn't almost drown in Lake Geneva." I shouted as I waved an accusing finger at him.

"That was three days ago! You almost fell down the Matterhorn in the past hour!" His voice wavered disbelievingly.

"And you're still not over it!" I shot back.

"I-" he cut himself off as another group of hikers passed by.

"Der hat wohl am Blitz geleckt." That guy's totally mental. One of them muttered.

"Arschgeige." Dickhead. I mumbled back. Alec shushed me.

"You're the only person in all of goddamn history who can pick a fight with the Swiss." He said as he wrapped an arm around me.

I beamed as I looked up at him. "You love me for it."

Alec and I moved in together two years ago. We bought a not-so-humble apartment in Manhattan with all of the money we earned from our duet album titled These Two Narrators, which went platinum.

We were currently on a ten day vacation to Switzerland, a place neither of us had ever been.

"Oh thank god." I breathed out, seeing a bench in the near distance. I sat down, pulling my backpack into my lap. Alec sat down beside me and we gave each other a knowing look.

"Poetry time?" I asked, a puppy dog look plastered on my face.

"Poetry time." He responded with a smile.

Simultaneously, we pulled out our poetry journals. I grabbed my phone and set a timer for ten minutes.

"Ok." I said, my thumb hovering over the start button. He nodded.

"Ready...go!" I pressed start and immediately began writing a poem.

This had become a fun way for us to use our competitiveness in order to push through writers block. Writing lyrics had gotten to be pretty daunting after two more albums from each of us.

It was also hard to write about pain, seeing as we were both so happy.

After what seemed like no time at all, the timer on my phone went off. We finished writing our last sentence and then put our pens away.

"You wanna read first?" He asked, clutching his notebook to his chest.

"Sure." I responded. I cleared my throat for dramatic effect before reading the first line.

"Open fields are lovely. They're clear, concise, and have nothing to hide." I saw Alec lean back, a small smile forming on his face.

"They're inviting." I paused. "But intimidating, and lonely." He nodded a little, seemingly intrigued by where I was going with this. "There's no shade. Nowhere to hide; to take shelter."

I looked away from my notebook to look him in the eyes. "Just tall grass," I glanced at his lips as he took his bottom one between his teeth. "And the shining sun."

Must Have Been the Wind (Alec Benjamin X reader) Where stories live. Discover now