• t h i r t y - n i n e •

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AN: ok I didn't know that Justin Bieber actually hosted SNL once like 7 years ago. But apparently he did.

How on EARTH was my description of it ("he's surprisingly almost half as charismatic as he is cocky") so accurate?
God, I'm so screwed up

(Y/N's POV)

I had no idea where Alec was.

He should be back by now.

"So?" I heard Justin's piercing voice break me away from my thoughts.

"I-I-uh..." it was hard for me to form words. My heart rate was faster than when I sprint at the end of a mile. I couldn't slow it down.

He smirked, probably thinking that my lack of ability to form words was because of arousal he'd caused, rather than pure fear. He moved his other arm against the wall next to me.

I felt trapped.

"How about we just don't tell him?" He mumbled lowly.

I gulped. "What about Hailey?" I didn't look him in the eye. He raised an eyebrow at my sudden hesitation, wondering if he'd read the situation wrong.

"Well..we don't have to tell her either." His voice was less seductive now. He was probably starting to realize he'd freaked me out.

"I uh...I really love Alec." I said, my breath quickening a little too much for my brain to handle.

Justin quickly took his hands off the wall, noticing how I started to panic.

"Hey- woah I'm so sorry. (Y/n) are you ok?" He asked, genuine concern in his tone. I nodded, but didn't look at him.

"Yeah I...I'm ok...I'll be fine." I wasn't entirely aware of it, but my legs started moving. I heard Justin call after me, but his words didn't really register. What he just did reminded me too much of him.

God, I'm so screwed up.

I hadn't been looking where I was going. My eyes were focused on the floor, tears spilling out of my eyes from the sheer trauma coursing through my veins.

The next thing I knew, I was stumbling backwards and nearly hitting the ground, but someone grabbed my hand.

I looked up briefly to see that it was Colin Jost. I looked away. "Sorry." My voice broke without my permission. "Thanks for catching me."

I saw his eyebrows knit together with concern out of the corner of my eye. He gently grabbed my forearm. "(y/n)? Are you ok?" A couple people around him stopped talking to glance at me.

"Yeah. Yeah I think so." My breath was still quick, my heartbeat loud and obnoxious in my ears.

"Where's Alec?" A feminine voice asked. It was Kate McKinnon.

I felt my face scrunch up in a sob. I tried to suppress it. "I don't know." The sob broke out. I felt a hand gently placed on my shoulder. I looked up quickly, scared it was Justin. It was Pete Davidson.

"Here, come on." Pete said calmly. The three of them led me into a separate small room. I sat down in one of the chairs. Colin closed the door behind us.

"What's wrong (y/n)?" Kate asked gently. I tried to slow my breathing.

In through your nose, out through your mouth.

I did that a couple times before I answered. They waited patiently for my answer. I started rambling. "I just...I don't know where Alec is and I didn't want him to leave me alone but he went to go get some drinks and I don't know where he went-" I stopped to catch my breath. There wasn't much else to say.

Kate looked at Colin, concern and a bit of confusion on both of their faces.

"Are you worried he won't come back?" She asked, trying to figure out why the situation caused me to panic.

I shook my head. "No, no it's," I gulped. "It's not that."

Pete spoke. "You said you didn't want him to leave you alone?" I nodded slowly in response, looking at my hands in my lap.

The three of them gave each other a knowing look.

Something happened.

"(y/n)? Did something happen?" Kate asked, her voice so fragile I thought it would break.

I looked up at them slowly.

"Did someone do something to you?" Colin asked, a hint of anger in his voice.

Colin and I had become friends during rehearsals. Every time he'd make a joke in between running scenes I'd respond with some sort of witty comment. He'd always make one back and then turn to me, a serious look on his face, and say "wait...can I use that?"

Is shook my head. "No, no. Nothing...nothing like that." I didn't see a sense in telling them about Justin. He didn't kiss me or touch me or do anything like that, and he stopped as soon as he realized he was freaking me out.

Sure it was a bit creepy, but seeing as he grew up being famous, I'm guessing it usually worked for him. Plus, if I was anyone else, I wouldn't have reacted the way I did. Most people don't get a panic attack from someone flirting with you.

They all looked at each other again, unanimously deciding that it'd be best not to press.

Kate smiled comfortingly. "Well, if you're feeling up to it, we'd love it if you came to the after party."

I looked up from my hands quickly. "Really?" They all nodded.

"We'd love to have you there, (y/n)." Colin smiled.

"O-ok." I wasn't sure what to say. "Thank you." I stood up and they each hugged me.

"If you ever need anything, just tell us. Ok?" Pete said.

I nodded and smiled at them.

I walked out of the room and through the wings. As I was about to reach the back door to get out side, I pulled up Alec's number and called him.

It rang, but went to voicemail. I tried him again but I got the same outcome.

What the hell?

I decided I'd just text him and tell him I was going to take a cab back to my apartment to change for the after party. Then I sent a follow up text asking where he was and if he wanted to come with.

I called a cab and it arrived a couple minutes later. I climbed in the back and told them my address.

I felt my phone buzz. I looked down immediately hoping it was a text from Alec.

It was a YouTube notification.

Alec Benjamin has posted a new video.

What the... I thought.

"Alec Benjamin- Pretending (Demo)."
AN: oOoh. This of you who have heard this song.

Oof. You have some idea what's about to go down.

Or maybe not. I can be unpredictable. 😉


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