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Of course

(Y/N's POV)

(2 months later)

"Alec, get up, we're gonna miss our flight." I threw his dirty clothes at him, trying to get them out of the way of my packing while giving him an incentive to get up.

He groaned at me in response.


"Alec, I'm serious, say auf wiedersehen to Vienna and get dressed." I shoved my lyric book into my carry on.

I had made it a goal to write a song each time I went to a new city.

Considering how many cities we visited and how frequently we moved...that goal didn't last very long.

However, I did end up with a solid fourteen songs that I'd be recording for the album, with a little help from Alec.

I released 2 singles in the past month and to put it bluntly...

They blew up.

"Can I just say," he said as he finally got out of bed. "That movie we watched last night was a little all over the place."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What? Spider-Man: Far from Home?"

He nodded. "It just- I don't understand how the main threat of the move was literally an illusion-like..." he scratched his head, starting to sound a little too passionate. "They couldn't think of anything better?"

I rolled my eyes. "I thought it was poetic."

He scoffed jokingly. "Of course you did. Everything is a goddamn Shakespearean sonnet to you." He commented as he folded his clean clothes and laid them in his suitcase.

"Hey, I just think things have a deeper meaning than what's on the surface." I nudged him. "Since you're a songwriter, I thought you'd understand that." I looked him in the eye, teasingly.

He let out an exasperated sigh. "Whatever. All I'm saying is, Tom Holland is much cooler in person."

I started mocking him. "Oh yeah Tom Holland is much cooler in person blah blah-"

He smirked at me.

"Wait what?!"
* * * * *

When we arrived back in New York, it was around dinner time. I checked the time, 7:16. I was famished.

"Alec?" I said in a babyish voice.

"Yes?" He mimicked my tone.

"I'm hungry." He rolled his eyes and put his arm around me before agreeing to take me to dinner.

We got in a cab back to our apartment building on 5th Avenue to drop off our stuff and change, seeing as I was currently wearing the baggiest sweatpants and T-shirt I owned.

I stepped into our apartment lobby. "Alright I gotta go get pretty, I'll meet you back down here in..." I glanced at the clock, 7:35. "A half hour?"

"Sounds good." He put his hand on my cheek and pulled me in for a quick kiss. "And (y/n)?"

I smiled. "Yes, Alec?" He moved a strand of hair off my cheek.

"You're always pretty."
* * * * *

I put on a black dress and put my hair in a French braid.

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