Meeting (Part One of Four)

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As Lynn went to sleep, Lucy pulled every single sister towards Lori's room for a meeting. None of them had an issue with it since Lynn wouldn't be involved and this was a much needed distraction from the terrible events that have plagued their family as of late.

"So what is this meeting about?" Luna Asked.

"Sigh...I want to talk about..Lynn." Lucy Said.

"What's there to talk about...Lynn is a superstitious sore loser who caused the downfall of this family." Luan said bitterly.

"That's true...however I think that she's doing something when we're all asleep." Lucy Said.

"What?" Lori Said. 

"Last night...I caught her sneaking back into the house near midnight. I don't know where she goes or what she does, but I have a feeling like she's up to something." Lucy Said.

"But what could she be doing behind our backs and without Dad noticing?" Leni Asked. 

"Hopefully it doesn't have anything to do with Lincoln. Especially since he's going to be going to a new family soon." Lori Said.

"That's for reminding us Lori. However...the sneaking out isn't the strangest thing that Lynn's been doing lately." Luan said.

"What do you mean?" Lola Asked.

"Well she's been staring off into the distance and spacing out more often." Luan said.

"Hm...We should keep a close eye on her just in case. Besides we don't want to give Royal Woods more reason to hate our family." Lori Said.

"Agreed. Lisa..Can you build us something to track Lynn where ever she goes?" Lucy Said.

"Yes. But I have to put it on when she's asleep." Lisa Said. The others agreed and carefully exited the room while Lynn was slowly waking up inside her dream.

Did you enjoy your reward?

Yes. It was amazing.

Good. Now find Hawk and Hank and kill them. If you do then I can award you again.

After that Lynn woke up from her nap and stared herself in the mirror. She couldn't believe that she let Lynn number 2 have her way with her. Not like she minded since it did keep her mind off of all the hostility that her sisters have shown her.

"Sigh..I better wait a couple of days before I go after Hawk and Hank. Especially since people will be keeping an eye out for the killer." Lynn said to herself as she exited her room and went to watch TV. While the chosen Casagrandes went to the car and started to prepare for their journey. 

"Okay guys..We're going to spend a couple of days in Royal Woods so I can get the adoption papers for Lincoln and Lily then we're getting out of there as fast as we can." Maria Said.

"That's for the best since the killer struck again." Carlota Said.

"What?" Maria Said.

"It says here that a boy named Chandler was murdered last night." Carlota Said.

"Which proves my point..we don't know who the killer is or if they're planning to make any of us their next victim. So let's hurry up and do this before they decide to strike again." Maria Said as she drove away without knowing that this will be an eventful last visit towards her old town.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋

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