2 - Little red face

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Park Sang*
"What are we going to do with him!"
"Like I said last night, we'll kindly ask him to leave!"
"I know you want him to stay!"

I can't believe dad thinks that. It's been a while since he slept. He'll wake up soon right?

"Wahh, now that I think about it, this man could technically even be your husband now. With you delicately treating his wounds ever so lovingly and stealing clothes from me to give to him. I shall not forget you tucking him to bed with such comfort. It's because of that face right?" He said while smiling cheekily.

"APPA! He's human! I would've done it for anyone!"
"With such love! I don't think so!"
"That girl." He grabbed his mug and smiled while shaking his head, then he drunk his morning tea.

I walked upstairs into the hallway. I was about to knock on the door of the guest room, where he was staying. Until suddenly the door opened and I saw so much skin.

I quickly grasped the handle and slammed the door shut.
The door was opened again and the man stood there pointing at it on the floor.
"Right there."

I looked up to meet his eyes, his height is a little overwhelming. Since I piggy backed his hefty body all the way home. No, no, more like dragged.

He scoffed.
"What are you, a virgin?"
He mocked. The nerve of this dude.

"Aww, look at your little red face."
I looked away as I saw his hand reaching up to squish my cheeks.
"If you feel better, may I kindly ask you to leave. Please return the clothes as well."

"Hey Sang! Why are you being so cold, you should at least invite the guest to some breakfast."
We both turned to dad who just came up the stairs.

We all sat at the table in front of the breakfast that dad served us.
"So boy, what's your occupation? Model? Actor? Idol?"
"That's confidential, I'm sorry."
"I see."
"Anyway, I'm sorry but I cannot accept this gracious meal."

Looking back and forth at each person that was speaking, I silently ate my jam on toast. Soon fed up of their voices I spoke.
I shoved a poached egg and toast onto his empty plate. And quickly poured him a glass of orange juice. I shoved the glass in front of his face and he received it slowly.

"Hey, Sang what's the rush? Let him speak his name at least. What is your name?"
"Sang..." I heard the man whisper.
"Kim, Tae, Hyung, remember it my dear Sang."
He placed the glass down and winked at me.
I widened my eyes as he left though the door saying his farewells.
That handsome mofo.

Feeling my blood boil, I shoved the rest of the toast in my mouth and ran upstairs to my room.

"Ah, what an eventful morning." And Sang's dad kept sipping on his morning tea.

"Oi Jimin, I found a virgin."

A little confusing now, right?? Don't worry it will all make sense soon :)

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