17 - Forever

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"So does that mean you'll summon back all the 7 men back to this place, fully?"
"Just for you my dear."
"Ok, fine I'll accept. Then, what are you planning to do with me?"
She questioned with curiosity.

"You are a rare find, a rank A in virgin blood. Something the people here adore. So it's quite self explanatory, you are only a vessel to store that blood. Nothing more, and you'll stay here until the day you die."

I felt enjoyment by the petrified facial expressions that this human girl portrayed.

"Welcome to Terasia, Sang. For now, and forever."

Calm down Sang, this place. It must be the home that Taehyung described. If it is, he can come back to this world, named Terasia. And so will Jungkook and Jimin. My loss is their gain, this is the path I choose...

I replied with raised eyebrows.
"I warned those jerks, come on. Let's go to Terasia."
"Taehyung I can't. The king has seemed to have placed a barrier on me to re-enter Terasia. You go."
Jungkook urged me.
"Ok, I'll bring her back."

Why the hell am I being summoned by Namjoon. I was enjoying myself in the human world. But why are they in the palace of all places.
Walking through the long corridors, I heard a very loud conversation between familiar voices. Watching from afar it was Taehyung, and Jimin?
"What the fuck did you say, you punk."

"I, told the king, that I killed her mother. That human will seek revenge and summon us all back to Terasia. You can thank me late..."
"THANK YOU? Why the hell would I show my gratitude to you!"
"Taehyung, we were about to die!"

I gasped as I saw Taehyung, harshly punching Jimin's left cheek. In the act of stopping them, I took a step forward until I was halted by a sudden telepathy message.
"To all my subjects in the palace."
King Hongjoong?

"I would like to inform you that I have gained a new concubine named Park Sang. Everyone must obey her as if she was my queen."
A new concubine? Act as if she was his queen? Who is this women, what is he thinking?
"The remaining warrior's banishment, Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung, will be lifted in the next full moon, next week. Until then, their banishment will continue."

I gasped as I saw a portal open behind them, but it was too late as they were already engulfed by the portal being transported back to earth.

"I gasped as I saw a portal open behind them, but it was too late as they were already engulfed by the portal being transported back to earth

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I soon began to run towards Namjoon's location. To the royal library.
"Guys! Did you hear that? The king's sudden telepathical announcement!"
"Of course, but that's irrelevant right now. Look at this book we found in the corner of the underground section. Read this paragraph."
Hoseok displayed me the text which I read out loud.

"The past king of Terasia was a noble man..."
"No not that bit you dick, this section."
" 'The king had two sons in his lifetime who became princes of the kingdom. Named Kim Hongjoong and Kim...Tae...Hyung...' YAH(hey), THIS BOOK CAN'T BE TRUE!"
"I thought the same, but read this part."
Namjoon showed me.

" 'One was born out of wedlock, the other born from a mistress. Resulting to be an illegitimate child.' That makes so much sense. Of course the illegitimate child is Taehyung. He would've been king otherwise."
"Are you a pabo(idiot), you haven't even finished where I told you to."
Namjoon stated annoyed.

" 'It is still unknown which of the children is the true crown prince till this day. Once the previous king passed, the illegitimate child hired a highly ranked wizard. And took away the other child's memory. He announced that prince's death. He made him a warrior, he could've made him a lowly servant but instead, he wanted the child to die for him in battle when the time came. But that child has been banished by his sibling to earth. Unknown of his location today.'

"Do you know how much this sounds like Taehyung? 'Banished by his sibling to earth? That's what's happening now!"
Namjoon stated.
"So then if what this book is saying is true. Then our Taehyung is the rightful heir to the throne!"
I yelled shocked.
"Did you just realise that pabo(idiot)."
Hoseok said in disappointment.

"We need to tell Taehyung like ASAP."
Hoseok said.

Earth* Taehyung* "This, THIS, IS ALL YOUR FAULT!"I screamed while pointing at Jimin

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I screamed while pointing at Jimin. Grunting, pacing myself back and forth. With my hands in pockets.
"It was the king's command, I didn't do anything."
He replied innocently.

"ARGH! Why is the portal not opening!"
I yelled in frustration.
"The king placed a ban on us. I guess the only time we'll return is the next full moon."
"Cut the crap. I need to, go, there, NOW!"
Being around him only raised my anger.

"What a shame, how a measly human could change, someone who was once a strong warrior."
"Shut the fuck up."

Days passed, and I had returned to my old ways. University (/college) seemed unnecessary without her. Becoming a tramp, with no place to be called home. Wandering around multiple paths and streets.

Until one day, a human approached me with shaking arms.
Viewing his face I only realised he was once Sang's sophisticated father. A wave of hair invaded his upper lip and chin. Prominent black circles under his bloodshot eyes. This man was restless.

"You, you're connected to my girlfriend's death aren't you! That blonde boy, I've seen him before!"
Girlfriend, she is Sang's mother isn't she?
"Don't play dumb. I know you're the people that killed her, right?"

I began hushing Sang's father in hopes of calming him down. I promised I would follow him home, and talk things out with a cup of tea.

"I'll explain everything, even the whereabouts of your daughter."

Thank you for reading chapter 17!!

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