ch .1 «Teams Agenda»

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This book is mostly just for fun, so don't get Triggered if it's not the most " Shakespeare esque style." What I mean is, some of the writing might be very descriptive and beautiful, and sometimes the text might just be short, simple but funny.


"demon speaking"
(author speaking)
• Change of: *Setting / Pov  / flashback*
• || ||| |||| = paragraph/topic changes
-Anything else is most likely just for looks :b

(Ships KakaNaru/NaruSaku/SasuSaku)

-Naruto and all of the characters belong to
Masashi Kishimoto.


[The beginning of hatred, and a small crush]


The day is almost over, the sun was begging to set for the day. Everyone was getting ready to leave their shops/schools/jobs and go home for the day.


Meanwhile at the academy, the newly formed Team 7 was STILL waiting for the supposed 'elite' sensei.
Where the Kami could he be!?

"UGH! This is so frustrating, ya know!?"

The blond boy, named Naruto, was laying chest first on desk. Throwing his arms in the air with a wide eyed expression, and with a "hump" to better Express his anger for his teammates to understand.
Once noticing that NO ONE was playing any attention, or just didn't care, Naruto let his arms fall onto the desk in defeat.

That was until the Tsundere in the classroom, decide to verbally voice a comeback.

"No, your the real irritating one here, Naruto!"

The pink haired girl, named Sakura, scolded her teammate, Naruto. her actions seemed to show disapproval of her friends words, on the outside. But, secretly inside, her inner voice says other wise.


NARUTO's RIGHT!! Where the hell is that sneeze -bag, and how on earth did he become and elite jounin being this late!

Also, who Naruto Could be so cute when he's upset.

Wait...did I really just say that? NO-I'm in love with Sasuke!.



Naruto was quick to run over to the small classrooms chalkboard and grabbed the black & white eraser. Then ran over to the door and placed it in between the small space, separating the door from the wall.

Sakura was too distracted to notice this. But when she did it was to late, for their jounin teacher hade already came through the door.


"Naruto, No!-



"Hm. My first impression of you all...I hate you."

Kakashi glances around the room, and over his students, before calling them all up to the roof of the blinding. But before he left.

Kakashi and Sakura made split (eye-to-eyes) contact.
And in that moment they both knew...
They were going to hate each other...

Ch 1. Ended.
(3/22/20) K, Thanks bye!!


A/N: Yes, I do know that was a SHORT ASS CHAPTER! Trust me when I say this; I will not be making any of my chapters this short again. I mean like only 300 words ish?

This was only a promo chapter, also I will have a lot of time skips, I also will be following the mostly cannon timeline. But I will only be posting the events that occur in the story that will help begin the rivalry between Sakura and Kakashi.

So that means no extra bullshit you have to sit through, the most crap you would have to listen to is the introduction between the 4 in episode two. And that's it.

-Thanks for reading, see ya soon!
                                                  -Ja Ne!!



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