ch. 11 «2's Confessions» (Departure)

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This book is mostly just for fun, so don't get Triggered if it's not the most " Shakespeare esque style." What I mean is, some of the writing might be very descriptive and beautiful, and sometimes the text might just be short, simple but funny.


"demon speaking"
(author speaking)
• Change of: *Setting / Pov  / flashback*
• || ||| |||| = paragraph/topic changes
-Anything else is most likely just for looks :b

(Ships: KakaNaru/NaruSaku/JiraTsun)

-Naruto and all of the characters belong to
Masashi Kishimoto.


[An insignificant Note, Confusing feelings]

//Naruto's Apartment //

Season one finale:
Naruto packed all of his clothes, which wasn't much, into a small bag. Along with some extra hygiene products and obsolete items, one of those being his team 7 photograph.

Naruto held said photo in a tight grip, tears threatened his eyes. But he triumphantly wipe them away, placing (more like shoving) into the small brown bag.

"Ugh what am I going to do! I don't have enough room for all this junk!!"

The blond boy almost ripe out his own hair, frustrated the young man tried to salvage the items that he presumed as more necessary the the others.

But when he tried to fit all of his belongings back into his satchel, seems it still wasn't big enough to hold everything.

It's not that he overpacked or anything, he doesn't have much in the first place. Naruto was always to poor to afford a bigger bag.

The blond jinchūriki puffed out a sigh, along with more tugging of the hair. Grading his frog, he looked inside of it.

After opening the clip, a small fly (somehow) flew out. He was broke as a motherfucker!

"Fine...I guess I have to go beg on the streets for some cash.."

With that the blond was ready to walk out the door and beg like a homeless man/woman.

But then, when he opened the door...

He found a small but still rather large (Especially for Naruto Size) duffel bag, on his welcome mate. With a small pink note on top of it. Naruto picked up the note, and it said this–

•Dear Naruto Uzumaki•

I hope you have a great time with Jiraiya, and that your training goes well. For you.

Here's a free gift, I know you don't have any other bags bigger then the minor one you carry out on missions. So here's a bigger and better bag for packing.

XOXO~ ???


"Who could this be from? No one else gives me gifts besides Kakashi. And it's a pink piece of paper."

"Oh well!"

The kyuubi host grabbed a hold of his New prized possession, along with the insignificant note.

A Medical Mistake || K⃨a⃨k⃨a⃨N⃨a⃨r⃨u⃨     Vs. N⃨a⃨r⃨u⃨S⃨a⃨k⃨u⃨Where stories live. Discover now