"Stay Away"

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–Stay away from the Crazies–
By: Sasuke U.

I don't understand theme.
Kakashi is a Yandere
Sakura is a Tsundere
But why?
For Naruto's love?
it isn't cute
it isn't funny
You talk strangers onto your side,
and agreed.
You disgust me
your bonds to Naruto, hold you down and suffocate you to death.
Ripping you down piece by piece.
Replacing your eyes with gullible substitutes,
replacing your bones with loving
It's dangerous
And Awful

So just stay away.


By: Sasuke Uchiha
To be continued....

"Where you expecting more?"
"Ha~How naive you are little boy/girl."

Ch 1. Ended.
(3/30/20) K, Thanks bye!!

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