ch.9 «The Kidnapping»

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This book is mostly just for fun, so don't get Triggered if it's not the most " Shakespeare esque style." What I mean is, some of the writing might be very descriptive and beautiful, and sometimes the text might just be short, simple but funny.


"demon speaking"
(author speaking)
• Change of: *Setting / Pov  / flashback*
• || ||| |||| = paragraph/topic changes
-Anything else is most likely just for looks :b

(Ships: KakaNaru/NaruSaku/JiraTsun)

-Naruto and all of the characters belong to
Masashi Kishimoto.


[Sakura to the rescue, and another cliffhanger???]

//Konoha Streets//

When Kakashi awoke from his sleep, he expected to find his sleeping blond beauty. But instead he found a small white pillow, that was tucked in between his legs and arms.

He was worried, to say. Kakashi walked into the kitchen but he couldn't recall a single thing, mind too fogged from the night before.
Did Naruto drug him, or someone else?

Whatever, he's losing consciousness, this can't be the end. This is more then just a drug, he'll be dead in no time if he doesn't do something.

In 5.


Kakashi's front door was knocked down, followed by a pink haired kunoichi. Rushing to her teacher side she shoved an EpiPen like Device into his arm.

Kakashi went flying to his feet, only to get pushed back against his own couch by his student.

"Stay down, or you will really be dead!" She scolded.

"How did you know where to find me, or that I was in danger?"

"I guess you could say it was a gut feeling." She teased.

"Who did this to me?"

"My parents.."

"How can you be sure?" The elite jounin asked confused as fuck.

"My parents never leave the house without telling me, their too annoying to go around sneaky."

"Oh, where's Naruto?" Kakashi asked, still a bit dazed from the drug.

"In my houses basement, basically a dungeon or a bomb Shelter. What ever you would like to call it, and I have the feel he won't be alive much longer.." Sakura stated with tears coming down her, the kunoichi finished the first aid and went onto the more seriously important treatment.


After about 10 minutes Kakashi was back on his feet, and out the door with Sakura in toe. They both made their way over to the Haruno household, both hade only one thing on their mind.

A Medical Mistake || K⃨a⃨k⃨a⃨N⃨a⃨r⃨u⃨     Vs. N⃨a⃨r⃨u⃨S⃨a⃨k⃨u⃨Where stories live. Discover now