ch. 6 «Silver & Gold»

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This book is mostly just for fun, so don't get Triggered if it's not the most " Shakespeare esque style." What I mean is, some of the writing might be very descriptive and beautiful, and sometimes the text might just be short, simple but funny.


"demon speaking"
(author speaking)
• Change of: *Setting / Pov / flashback*
• || ||| |||| = paragraph/topic changes
-Anything else is most likely just for looks :b

(Ships:  KakaNaru/NaruSaku)

-Naruto and all of the characters belong to
Masashi Kishimoto.


[A sign of what's to come, Naruto's jealously]


Team 7 (Whats left of it) walked down the streets of Konoha, in search of Naruto's favorite Restaurant.

"Ichiraku Ramen"

Said the sigh in bright vibrant Silver and gold lights. "Looks like the old man's finally got some upgrades!" Naruto squealed loudly before running into the shop with Sakura In toe.

Meanwhile Kakashi just stared blankly at the neon sign that read "Open!". A sign commonly used in the food/restaurant industry, a must have if you will. Then what could be so special about this one sign, to be able to catch the eye of the normal lazy and uninterested jounin eye.

Was it the colors?
The pattern?
The lights?


Naruto noticed his sensei's strange behavior. 'What could Kakashi-Sensei be doing anyways' and with that thought Naruto jumped over the red cushion seat.

Sakura tried to stop her Dream Boy, but sadly for her, Naruto was already outside Striking up a conversation with their absent-minded teacher.

"Kakashi, are you okay? I and Sakura have been waiting for you inside." Naruto asked. Then noticing Kakashi's intense staring, Naruto followed the sharingan user's eye(s) until meeting the target.

The sign...

'What is what about this sign! It Even made my heart skip a beat.'

"Come on let's go inside, Kakashi."

"Okay.." Kakashi followed Naruto like a dog with his/her owner. Ending any and all thoughts connecting with the sign outside, with one last thought Kakashi hade.

'...Silver and gold...'

Blue and yellow

Yellow and white


Once inside the 2 (possible lovers) sat down in their respectable places by Sakura. Naruto was sat in the middle, while Sakura sat to the left of him, and Kakashi to his right.

A Medical Mistake || K⃨a⃨k⃨a⃨N⃨a⃨r⃨u⃨     Vs. N⃨a⃨r⃨u⃨S⃨a⃨k⃨u⃨Where stories live. Discover now