ch. 7 «Childish Rivalry»

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This book is mostly just for fun, so don't get Triggered if it's not the most " Shakespeare esque style." What I mean is, some of the writing might be very descriptive and beautiful, and sometimes the text might just be short, simple but funny.


"demon speaking"
(author speaking)
• Change of: *Setting / Pov  / flashback*
• || ||| |||| = paragraph/topic changes
-Anything else is most likely just for looks :b

(Ships KakaNaru/NaruSaku/SasuSaku)

-Naruto and all of the characters belong to
Masashi Kishimoto.


[3 childern 0 adults, jealously rises]


"Sensei!!" Sakura screamed. "Don't you think that's a  tad bit inappropriate?" She Scolde, ripping their fingers apart from one another. Like naruto did before.

Kakashi gave her a deadly glare. If looks could kill people, Sakura has to admit she would be dead.

"Actually I don't. Why is there something wrong Sakura-Chan?" He grinned cheekily.

"Ugh, don't call me that sensei! Only Naruto can!" She huff and puffed.

(A/N: And Blew the house down XD)

"Well that's not very nice."


"Will you guys stop this fighting please!!" Naruto wanted to raise his Voice but ended up screaming to be able to get their attention. This getting frustrating for Naruto.

"We just lost a teammate and a good friend today, so why are we fighting like this?" The 2 suspects just looked away in shame and disappointment. They hurt their Naruto in such terrible ways.

"If I knew you guys where going to act like this then I would of never invited you kaka-AH!" Naruto squealed in pain as a sharp pinch hit his bum.

"Don't say that. Ever.." Kakashi was Stern and more then usual. Way more stern.

"Did you just pinch his butt!" Sakura squealed sounding disgusted.

(A/N: What a homophobic bitch)

"I don't know what you are talking about Sakura-Chan." Kakashi resumed his bored state.


"Geez fine. Tsundere."

"Rude." Sakura crosses her arms in a fit.

"Thank you." Kakashi just replied, already bored of the pink kunoichi. Kakashi, to make things more interesting, slipped a hand over onto Naruto's thigh seductively.

'What does that copycat think he's doing!' And with that thought, Sakura also placed a shyer hand onto Naruto's thigh.


So here was Naruto, in the middle of two fighting Shinobi (also his teammates) rubbing their hands against his thigh. Naruto was a blushing mess of mush at this point.

Their hands began to go high and High after the other, fighting physically rather than verbally. Naruto was starting to get uncomfortable hard at this point, and he wanted it to stop. So he did.




"I'm leaving goodnight Sakura, goodnight Kakashi."

The blond left as quickly as he said those words, leaving the other two Shinobi stunned and alone. Kakashi directed a glare towards the pink-haired kunoichi, he receiving one back from the other.
Sooner or later a staring contest started.

"This is your fault."

"Pff please, didn't your parents over till you treat your elders with respect."

"You sure weren't acting elderly towards Naruto!"

"Blah blah blah!!"

"Your a child-



Lame...Mary hade


«Later that night with Kakashi»

Kakashi slipped through the dark night, on his way towards the green and tan apartment. Where he there slipped into the bedroom via window, slipping a light pink note under a sleeping figure pillow's

What was in the note?

To be continued...


Ch 1. Ended.
(3/24/20) K, Thanks bye!!


A/N: Yes, my chapters might be long or short. Depending on the cliffhangers and other stuff. But next chapter will be Kakashi note

This was only a promo chapter, also I will have a lot of time skips, I also will be following the mostly cannon timeline. But I will only be posting the events that occur in the story that will help begin the rivalry between Sakura and Kakashi.

So that means no extra bullshit you have to sit through, the most crap you would have to listen to is the introduction between the 4 in episode two. And that's it.

-Thanks for reading, see ya soon!
                                                  -Ja Ne!!



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