ch. 1 «Long time no see!» (Arrival)

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This book is mostly just for fun, so don't get Triggered if it's not the most " Shakespeare esque style." What I mean is, some of the writing might be very descriptive and beautiful, and sometimes the text might just be short, simple but funny.


"demon speaking"
(author speaking)
• Change of: *Setting / Pov / flashback*
• || ||| |||| = paragraph/topic changes
-Anything else is most likely just for looks :b

(Ships:  KakaNaru/NaruSaku/JiraTsun)

-Naruto and all of the characters belong to
Masashi Kishimoto.


[!!Season two begins now!!]

//konoha village//

"Target a-acquired."

"hurry it's going to get away!"



"looks like another mission complete"


"Iruka-Sensei, can't we get a higher Missions!"

"Listen to me you three screw ups! You just made Genin level and no ones is gonna assign you to higher rank missions right away!" Ebisu says.

"all you be getting is the D-ranked right now." Tsunade scolded.

"I'm not taking no for an answer, after all you are looking at the 7th hokage here!"

"The seventh? What about the six Hokage?"

"That spots taken, Naruto going to get it."


"Yeah speaking of Naruto, I wonder where he is at."

" I bet when he comes back he's gonna be an awesome Shinobi!"

"I Believe in him 100%."


"Seventh Hokage perhaps, but definitely a second Naruto."

'I hope your doing okay out there, Naruto.' Iruka wishes his son health.

"I don't care what it takes, I'm gonna get stronger and bring Sasuke back!"

"It's been a long time since he spoke those words and left to go train with master Jiraiya."

"Yes, it's about Time for him to come home, isn't it."

"The leaf Village need him to return. There's too much happening for him to be away right now."


"Hey now, is that who i think that is!?"

"Uh hun! No doubt about it!"

A Medical Mistake || K⃨a⃨k⃨a⃨N⃨a⃨r⃨u⃨     Vs. N⃨a⃨r⃨u⃨S⃨a⃨k⃨u⃨Where stories live. Discover now