Twenty Two

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Harry woke up before Zayn which normally happened. Only on rare occasions would Zayn wake up before Harry.

Zayn had a reason to sleep in though, cause Louis kept him up all night with all of his calls and messages.

Zayn didn't want Harry to call Louis, and Harry wanted nothing to do with him anyway. But it just bothered him the way Louis tended to push him around and treat him like a child. He's always done that, since the band.

Harry didn't wanna tell Zayn that he'd been up all night to make sure Louis didn't call. Harry stayed up to make sure that Zayn was protected. He was afraid, and though Zayn was taking this lightly, Harry wasn't.

30 minutes passed and Zayn finally woke up.

Zayn: "morning handsome"

he rubbed his eyes to get a better look at topless Harry brushing his teeth.

Harry: "morning lover boy, how'd you sleep"

Zayn: "pretty good, you?"

Harry: "well uh...I uh...I didn't sleep that well I guess. It was okay though."

Zayn got up to brush his teeth as well and stopped to rub Harry's back for a minute.

Zayn: "babe you're tense."

Harry: "that's weird...hmm"

Zayn: "did you sleep last at all?"

Harry: "ya know...I uh- yeah...I didn't, no."

Zayn: "why didn't you wake me up?"

Harry: "you're hot when you're asleep, just wanted to stare at you for awhile."

Zayn: "stare at me for a whole 7 hours?"

Harry: "yeah, that's why I stayed up ya know."

Zayn: "as much as I wanna believe that I know you're lying. I can tell."

Harry: "I was worried babe okay..."

Harry raised his voice

Zayn: "okay okay I'm sorry I pushed."

Harry: "I don't know how you're taking this so lightly Z...he threatened to kill you."

Zayn: "baby he isn't gonna do shit alright? I promise I'm fine."

Harry: "I don't trust at all."

Zayn: "neither do I, but I'm also not afraid of him love. so you shouldn't be either."

Harry: "but now you're leaving to go to the airport and I'm not with you to know exactly what's happening and I'm gonna be checking my snap map and Instagram and Twitter to make sure you're okay and I just don't know how I'm gonna cope if something happens and-"

Zayn just walked over to Harry and placed Harry's head on his chest.

Zayn: "you're rambling babe"

Harry took a deep breath

Harry: "I'm scared."

Zayn: "I'm not, and yes I'm upset cause I don't wanna leave you...but I'm not afraid love."

Harry: "I love you and I don't want anything to happen to you."

Zayn: "I love you too. I promise I'll call you every 2 minutes and text you every minute in between."

He was obviously exaggerating

On that note they both left because Harry was able to take Zayn to the airport this time.

When they headed outside there wasn't much commotion at all surprisingly. So they jumped in the car before any paps came.

Harry seemed distant and Zayn knew he was both uneasy and upset.

Zayn just grabbed his hand and held it tight.

Zayn: "look at me"

Harry glances toward him

Zayn: "I'm the one with anxiety problems remember. Not you. Don't start on me now."

Harry: "I know babe but I'm uneasy for two reasons. One, you're leaving me for a little and I'm not gonna be able to see you. Two, the shit Louis said just makes me have to understand from a bystanders point of view it seems sketchy."

Zayn: "I know baby I'm sorry. I don't know how to fix it other than to tell you that I'll call you multiple times a day and tell you I'm alright."

Harry leaned his head on Zayn's shoulder and Zayn bent down to kiss his curls.

The two remained silent the rest of the way, keeping their fingers intertwined and never letting go.

When they arrived at the airport Harry wasn't allowed to go in with Zayn because of paparazzi. So they said their goodbyes in the car instead.

Zayn: "I promise I'll call you at every damn checkpoint and let you know that I made it okay?"

Harry: "okay baby, I love you."

Zayn: "I love you bub, don't miss me too much."

and Zayn gave him a few quick pecks on the lips before sliding out of the car.

Zayn was cool, calm, and collected but as soon as Zayn set foot in those doors Harry's anxiety was at an all time high. He just had a feeling something was gonna go wrong.

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