Good Morning

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Nyx opened his door to let her in. " Want a beer, Starlight?" She smiled at him. " Sure, but you have to promise to be a good boy if you plan on getting me drunk." Nyx laughed. "Well, if you ever get drunk around me, I promise I will be a good boy, as you say." The two sat on his bed with there backs against the wall watching a movie.

Nyx noticed her start to doze off on his arm. "Hey, starlight, let get you home." She looks at him half-awake. "Can I just stay here tonight?" She already had her eyes closed again. Nyx smiled down at her. "Of course you can. Raya, you will need to at least put this shirt on... And your already asleep." Nyx took her boots off and placed them by his. Nyx saw how warn out she has looked lately. "Starlight, can you sit up for a min so you can put my shirt on?"

Raya sat up and went to his bathroom, running into the side of the wall. "Starlight, there's a wall there." The last thing he saw was her middle finger, making him laugh even louder. When she came back out, his jaw dropped. She had her pants off and his shirt on. Raya stumbled a bit. " Starlight, when was the last time you got a good nights rest? you look worn out."

Nyx took her hand and pulled her into his arms. "4-5 days. Nightmares don't let me sleep much." Nyx pulled her down on to the bed with him. "I'm sorry. I wish I could take them from you, baby." Nyx heard her mumble something before she fell back asleep lying on his chest. Nyx wrapped his arm around her as he placed the blankets on her. "Sleep sweet, my starlight."

Raya wakes up in Nyx's arms. "Morning starlight. How did you sleep?" Raya looked up at him, tracing the tattoo on his neck. " Great. How about you, Hero?" She smiled when he kissed her forehead. " I slept great because of the enchanting minx in my arms."

Nyx stretched, "let me start the coffee." He got up and went into the kitchen. When he looked up, he saw her go into the bathroom. Nyx started the coffee. Then I decided to make some eggs. "Where's your cups?" Nyx pints to the upper cabinet and watches her rise up on her tiptoes to reach the cups. His shirt rose to her hips and left him speechless. "Like what you see, hero?" Raya says, smiling at him.

They hear someone at the door. "I would get it, but seeing as I'm not dressed." Nyx growled "Don't you dare go to that door. Damn your a sly little minx." He heard her laugh as he went to the door rubbing his neck.

When he opened the door, Libertus was standing there. "Hey hero, when you wake up more come meet us for drinks." Then he yelled out. "YOUR INVITED TO RAYA." Nyx heard her laughing. "Yeah yeah, we will see you there later." Nyx shut the door and walked back into the kitchen, where Raya handed him a cup of coffee.

Raya had finished getting dressed and was trying to do something with her hair, but it did not want to listen. Nyx smiled and came over to her. "Give me the brush starlight." Nyx braided her hair on one side.

" Nyx braided her hair on one side

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Raya's hair color with braids

Nyx smiled when he looked at her. Raya looked in the mirror. "Nyx, I love it. Thank you." Nyx kissed her neck. "It's only for you, my starlight." She looked up at him. "Nyx, you are my hero. I thank the six every day for you being there that day."

Raya was putting her shirt back on when she felt Nyx kiss her shoulder blade. When stopped and his finger followed the scar from her left shoulder all the way across and down to her right hip. " I guess I needed reminding to know my place in this world," she said with a sadness that broke his heart.

Nyx moved to face her and saw her tears. " Starlight, why are you crying?" She looked at him as he wiped her tears away. "I always thought I would be alone all my life. Now that I'm happy and feel safe for the first time in my life...Nyx, I'm scared this is a dream, and I will wake up and be alone once more." Nyx pulled her into his arms. "This is no dream. I promise you. As long as I'm on Eos, I will always be there for you. I would give my life to keep you forever safe." Nyx kissed her.

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